Territory of the Virgin Islands Military and Veterans Benefits

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Territory Taxes
Education Benefits
Employment Benefits
Unemployment Insurance
Bureau of Motor Vehicles Benefits
Health and Insurance Benefits
Miscellaneous Benefits
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Facilities in the U.S. Virgin Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands Military Resource Locator

U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Military and Veterans Benefits: USVI offers special benefits for Service members, Veterans and their Families including discounted home and land loans for Veterans, Veterans’ employment preference, reimbursement for burial expenses, Veteran tuition assistance and free license plates. Eligibility for some benefits may depend on residency, military component and Veteran disability status.

USVI Office of Veterans Affairs: The USVI Office of Veterans Affairs helps Veterans and their Families by advocating of their behalf and ensuring they receive the benefits and services they are entitled to.
USVI Office of Veterans Affairs Contact Information

USVI Office of Veteran Affairs
St. Thomas: 340-774-8387
St. Croix: 340-773-8387
Email: info_va@va.vi.gov

Learn more about the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs

Territory Benefit Highlights and Eligibility

Virgin Islands sign ocean with mountains in the background

What are my U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Military and Veteran Tax Benefits?

USVI Income Taxes: Residents of the USVI, instead of filing returns and paying taxes to the IRS, file returns and pay income taxes directly to the USVI Bureau of Internal Revenue. The taxes are at the same rates and use the same forms and rules as for federal income taxes. This results in the USVI income tax rate being equal to the tax rate for individuals living in a state with no income tax.

Military Income: Military income is taxed in the USVI. Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) does not withhold taxes for state or local income tax, but it is reported annually on IRS Form 1099-R. All TSP distributions are subject to taxes and early distributions may incur higher taxes.

USVI Income Taxes on Military Retired Pay: Military retired pay is taxed in the USVI.
IRS Taxable and Nontaxable income

Learn more about USVI Income Taxes

USVI Taxes on Military Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP), and Retired Serviceman’s Family Protection Plan (RSFPP) Annuities: Survivor annuities are taxed as income in the USVI.

Learn more about USVI Taxes on Military Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP), and Retired Serviceman’s Family Protection Plan (RSFPP) Annuities

USVI Taxes on Military Disability Retirement Pay: Military disability retirement pay received as a pension, annuity or similar allowance for personal injury or sickness resulting from active service in the U.S. Armed Forces should not be included in Prostetic legstaxable income. Some of the payments which are considered disability benefits include:

  • Disability compensation and pension payments for disabilities paid to Veterans or their Families
  • Grants for homes designed for wheelchair living
  • Grants for motor vehicles for Veterans who lost their sight or the use of limbs, or
  • Benefits under a dependent-care assistance program.

See IRS Publication 525 for more information.

Learn more about USVI Taxes on Military Disability Retirement Pay

USVI Taxes on U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC): DIC is a tax-free monetary benefit paid to eligible survivors of Service members who died in the line of duty or eligible survivors of Veterans whose death resulted from a service-connected injury or disease.

Learn more about USVI Taxes on U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Dependency and Indemnity Compensation

USVI Veterans Property Tax Credit and Exemption: USVI offers a property tax credit for Veterans and a property tax exemption for certain disabled Veterans.

To be eligible for a property tax credit, the applicant must be the property owners as of January 1, of the taxable year. The deadline to apply for the tax credits is before March 1 of the year the tax credit is requested. Applicants must show proof of residency (valid USVI driver’s license or voter’s registration card), and proof of occupancy (current utility bill). (USVI Code, Title 33, Subtitle 2, Chapter 81-2305)
Who is eligible for the USVI Veterans Property Tax Credit or Exemption?

Veteran Tax Credit: The following USVI residents are eligible for a $650 tax credit:

  • Veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and received a discharge other than dishonorable
  • USVI National Guard Service members who:
    • Served 20 or more years in the USVI National Guard and received a discharge other than dishonorable
    • Served in the USVI National Guard and was deployed for 30 or more days in a combat zone
  • Surviving Spouse of an eligible Veteran

Total and Permanent Disabled Veterans: Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and received a discharge other than dishonorable and have a service-connected total and permanent disability rating from the VA are eligible for an exemption of all property taxes.

For more information eligible Veterans and Surviving Spouses should contact the Tax Assessors Office on their island.

Tax Assessors Office:

St. Croix
1131 King Street, Suite 101
Christiansted, St. Croix
Virgin Islands 00820
Phone: 340-773-6449

St. Thomas / St. John
5049 Kongens Gade
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802
Phone: 340-774-2991

USVI Veteran Homestead Tax Credit Application
USVI Tax Assessor Citizen Access Portal

Learn more about USVI Veterans Property Tax Credit and Exemption

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What are my U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Military and Veteran Education Benefits?

USVI National Guard Tuition Assistance: USVI National Guard Service members serving in good standing are authorized 100% tuition waiver, not to exceed 32 semester hours at USVI public educational institutions of higher learning. Service members receiving federal financial tuition assistance are not eligible for the tuition waiver. Tuition waivers can be applied toward Associate through doctorate level degrees. Service members must complete one year of service in the USVI National Guard to be eligible for tuition assistance.

For more information please call 340-712-7734.
USVI Code, Title 17, Chapter 33-473

Learn more about USVI National Guard Tuition Assistance

University of the Virgin Islands, Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning Program (UVI CELL): UVI CELL offers in-person and online courses covering a wide variety of topics ranging from cake decorating to computer science. All UVI CELL courses are offered free to Veterans.UVICELL logo

For more information, please contact the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs:

USVI Office of Veteran Affairs
St. Thomas: 340-774-VETS (8387)
St. Croix: 340-773-VETS (8387)
Email: info_va@va.vi.gov

Learn more about University of the Virgin Islands Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning

USVI In-Territory Tuition: The following nonresident students are charged the in-territory rate for tuition and fees purposes:

  • Veterans using VA educational assistance who live in the USVI while attending the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI), regardless of their state of residence; Veterans must enroll within three years of discharge or release from active duty service of 90 days or more
  • Anyone using transferred VA educational assistance and lives in the USVI while attending UVI, regardless of their state of residence; students must enroll within three years of the transferor’s discharge or release from active duty service of 90 days or more
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship who lives in the USVI while attending the UVI, regardless of their state of residence; students must enroll within three years of the Service member’s line of duty death, following a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above who enrolls at the UVI prior to three year expiration of eligibility and remain continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms)

For more information, please contact the UVI Admissions Office:

UVI Admissions Office
Phone: 877-GO-TO-UVI
St. Thomas Campus: 340-693-1150
St. Croix Campus: 340-692-4158
Email: admissions@uvi.edu

Learn more about USVI In-Territory Tuition

Education Grant For Children of USVI National Guard Service Members: Children of a USVI National Guard Service members who die or become disabled in the line of duty while serving on territorial active duty are eligible for an educational grant to attend the University of the Virgin Islands. Grants are offered to pay for matriculation fees and tuition and not to exceed four years.

Who is eligible for an Education Grant For Children of USVI National Guard Service Members? Children under age 25 of a USVI National Guard Service members who dies or becomes totally and permanently disabled in the line of duty while serving on territorial active duty are eligible. For more information, please contact the USVI Board of Education.
USVI Board of Education Contact Information

Learn more about the Education Grant For Children of USVI National Guard Service Members

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What are my U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Military and Veteran Employment Benefits?

Military Leave for Territorial Government Employees: Territorial government employees who are Service members serving in a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces can receive 30 days military leave per year with pay and no loss of time, performance, or efficiency rating

In addition, Service members on military leave for more than 30 days will receive the difference between their military pay and their territorial employee pay. The employee’s military pay cannot exceed their territorial employee pay. (USVI Code, Title 23, Chapter 19-I-1524)
Who is eligible for Military Leave for Territorial Government Employees?
National Guard or U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Service members who are serving on federal active duty, or for training duty.

Learn more about Military Leave for Territorial Government Employees

USVI Administrative Leave of Absence for Military Duty: A territory employee who is drafted into the U.S. Armed Forces or a reserve component Service member called to active duty for an extended period is eligible for an administrative leave of Map of the USVIabsence. The employee’s rights to re-employment are governed by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. For more information, territorial employees should contact their supervisor or the USVI Division of Personnel.
USVI Division of Personnel Documents and Forms

Learn more about USVI Administrative Leave for Military Duty

Military Service Credit for USVI Employee Retirement System: Veterans who are USVI employees can receive service credit in the USVI Retirement System for the time they served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Veterans who were vested in the retirement system prior to September 25, 2001, can receive up to a maximum of 10 years of service credit. Veterans who are vested in the retirement system after September 25, 2001, can receive up to a maximum of three years of service credit.
USVI Government Employees' Retirement System, Contact Information
USVI Government Employees’ Retirement System, Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Military Service Credit for USVI Employee Retirement System

USVI Government Employment Veterans’ Hiring Preference: Veterans, their Spouse or Surviving Spouse can receive Veterans’ Preference Credit when applying for USVI government employment. Credit is given by adding points to passing civil road workservice examinations scores.
Who is eligible for USVI Government Employment Veterans’ Hiring Preference? The following individuals are eligible for 10 points Veterans’ Preference Credit:

  • Veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and received a discharge other than dishonorable
  • Spouse of an eligible Veteran
  • Unremarried Surviving Spouse of an eligible Veteran

The following individuals are eligible for 15 points Veterans’ Preference Credit:

  • Disabled Veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, and received a discharge other than dishonorable and has been awarded a 10% or more, service-connected, disability rating from the VA
  • Spouse of an eligible disabled Veteran
  • Unremarried Surviving Spouse of an eligible disabled Veteran

USVI Code, Title 3, Chapter 25-IV-525
USVI Division of Personnel, Employee Information

Learn more about USVI Government Employment Veterans’ Hiring Preference

USVI Funeral Leave for Veterans: Territorial employees who are Veterans can receive four hours, (in any one day), with pay to serve as a pallbearer, in a ceremonial firing squad or a guard of honor in a funeral ceremony for a member of the U.S. Armed Forces whose remains are returned from outside the U.S. for burial in the USVI.

Learn more about USVI Funeral Leave for Veterans

USVI Department of Labor Veteran Services: The USVI Department of Labor offers priority of service to Veterans, eligible Spouses and Family care givers seeking employment and training ARNG Trucks opportunities. Those eligible receive first access to job listings and all qualified Department of Labor funded job training programs, including Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs.

Priority of service means that Veterans, their eligible Spouse, or Family care giver are entitled to preference over others for a service either earlier in time, or if the resource is limited, they receive access instead of those not eligible for this benefit.

Veterans Services are provided by Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialists who are trained to assist those eligible with their employment and training needs and to ensure they receive priority of service or preference as prescribed by federal, state, and local laws.

DVOP Specialists also work directly with Veterans and their eligible Spouse who have significant barriers to employment to provide intensive services to help them find a job.

Intensive services include:

  • Career and employment counseling
  • Job referrals
  • Labor market information
  • Job search workshops
  • Résumé, application and cover letter assistance
  • Eligibility determination for special programs
  • Referral to training and supportive services
  • Veterans’ employment benefits, rights and preferences information
  • Career change resources

Those eligible for intensive services includes:

  • Veterans between the ages 18 to 24
  • Homeless Veterans (or at risk of becoming homeless)
  • Recently separated Service members, who have been unemployed for 27 or more weeks in the previous 12 months
  • An offender, who is incarcerated or who has been released from incarceration
  • Does not have a high School diploma or equivalent
  • Low income.
  • Transitioning Service members in need of intensive services
  • Wounded, Ill, or Injured Service members receiving treatment at military treatment Facilities or Warrior Transition Units
  • Spouse of a Veteran who:
    • Has a total service-connected disability
    • Declared missing in action
    • Captured in the line of duty by a hostile force
    • Declared a prisoner of war
    • Died from a service-connected disability
  • Family caregiver of a Wounded, Ill or Injured Service member who is receiving treatment in a military treatment facility or Warrior Transition Unit

For more information, please call 340-776-3700.

USVI Department of Labor Contact Information

St. Croix
4401 Sion Farm STE1
Christiansted, VI 00820-4245
Phone: 340-773-1994
Fax: 340-713-3415

St. Thomas
2353 Kronprindsens Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340-776-3700
Fax: 340-715-5743

Learn more about the USVI Department of Labor Veterans Services

Federal Employment Veteran's Hiring Preferences: By federal law, Veterans who are disabled or who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during certain specified time periods or in military campaigns are entitled to preference over non-Veterans army truckin hiring into the Federal civil service and in retention during reduction in force. Veterans may be entitled to 5 or 10 points included in any scoring process for examination or interviews.

5-point Hiring Preference: Five points are added to the examination score or rating of a Veteran who served:

  • During a war, or
  • During the period April 28, 1952, through July 1, 1955, or
  • For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred after January 31, 1955, and before October 15, 1976, or
  • During the Gulf War from August 2, 1990, through January 2, 1992, or
  • For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred during the period beginning September 11, 2001, and ending on August 31, 2010, the last day of Operation Iraqi Freedom, or
  • In a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal has been authorized. Any Armed Forces Expeditionary medal or campaign badge, including El Salvador, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Southwest Asia, Somalia, and Haiti, qualifies for preference

10-point Compensable Disability (CP) Preference: Ten points are added to the examination score or rating of a Veteran who served at any time and who has a compensable service-connected disability rating of at least 10% but less than 30% .

10-Point 30% Compensable Disability Preference (CPS): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of a Veteran who served at any time and who has a compensable service-connected disability rating of 30% or more.

10-Point Disability Preference (XP): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of:

  • A Veteran who served at any time and has a present service-connected disability or is receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension from the military or the VA but does not qualify as a CP or CPS, or
  • A Veteran who received a Purple Heart

10-Point Derived Preference (XP): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of Spouses, Surviving Spouses, or mothers of Veterans. Both a mother and a Spouse (including Surviving Spouse) may be entitled to preference based on the same Veteran's service if they both meet the requirements. However, neither may receive preference if the Veteran is living and is qualified for federal employment.

Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of the Spouse of a disabled Veteran who is disqualified for a federal position along the general lines of their usual occupation because of a service-connected disability. Such a disqualification may be presumed when the Veteran is unemployed and:

  • Is rated by military or VA authorities to be 100% disabled and/or unemployable, or
  • Has retired, been separated, or resigned from a civil service position because of a disability that is service-connected in origin, or
  • Has attempted to obtain a civil service position or other position along the lines of their usual occupation and has failed to qualify because of a service-connected disability

Preference may be allowed in other circumstances but anything less than the above warrants a more careful analysis.

A campaign medal holder or Gulf War Veteran who originally enlisted after September 7, 1980, (or began active duty on or after October 14, 1982, and has not previously completed 24 months of continuous active duty) must have served continuously for 24 months or the full period called or ordered to active duty. The 24-month service requirement does not apply to 10-point preference eligible Veterans separated for disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, or to Veterans separated for hardship or other reasons under Title 10 U.S.C. 1171 or 1173.

Learn more about Federal Employment Veteran's Hiring Preferences

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA): USERRA protects civilian job rights and benefits for Veterans and members of reserve components. USERRA also protects Service member rights and benefits by clarifying the law, improving enforcement mechanisms, and adding federal government employees to those employees already eligible to receive Department of Labor assistance in processing claims.

Absence from Work for Military Duty: USERRA establishes the cumulative length of time that an individual may be absent from helicopter in a hangerwork for military duty and retain reemployment rights to five years. Exceptions to the five-year limit, include initial enlistments lasting more than five years, periodic National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserve training duty, and involuntary active duty extensions and recalls, especially during a time of national emergency. USERRA establishes that reemployment protection does not depend on the timing, frequency, duration, or nature of an individual's service as long as the basic eligibility criteria are met.

Disability Accommodation: USERRA provides protection for disabled Veterans, requiring employers to make reasonable efforts to accommodate the disability. Service members recovering from injuries received during service or training may have up to two years from the date of completion of service to return to their jobs or apply for reemployment.

Return to Work without Loss of Seniority:USERRA provides that returning Service members are reemployed in the job that they would have attained had they not been absent for military service, with the same seniority, status and pay, as well as other rights and benefits determined by seniority. USERRA also requires that reasonable efforts (such as training or retraining) be made to enable returning Service members to refresh or upgrade their skills to help them qualify for reemployment. USERRA also provides that while an individual is performing military service, they are deemed to be on a furlough or leave of absence and are entitled to the non-seniority rights accorded other individuals on non-military leaves of absence.

Extension of Health and Pension Plans: Health and pension plan coverage for Service members is provided for by USERRA. Individuals performing military duty of more than 30 days may elect to continue employer sponsored health care for up to 24 months; however, they may be required to pay up to102% of the full premium. For military service of less than 31 days, health care coverage is provided as if the Service member had remained employed. USERRA clarifies pension plan coverage by making explicit that all pension plans are protected.
Who is eligible for USERRA?
Veterans, U.S. Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard Service members who leave a position for training or active military service are eligible.

The Department of Labor, through the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) helps all who have claims under USERRA, including federal and Postal Service employees.
VETS Regional Office Locations

Learn more about Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

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What are my U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Military and Veteran Unemployment Compensation Benefits?

USVI Unemployment Insurance (UI): The USVI Department of Labor, Division of Unemployment Insurance manages the UI program that provides temporary financial assistance for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. UI USVI Dept of Labor logois a partial, short-term replacement of lost wages while workers are seeking other work and is not intended to be a permanent source of income. Benefits are not based on financial need.

Employers pay all costs for this program. Eligibility for UI benefits are based on wages earned not on Family financial resources.

To be eligible to file a claim applicants must meet the following basic requirements:

  • Unemployed through no fault of their own
  • Completely or partially unemployed
  • Able and available for work
  • Actively seeking work
  • Earned enough in base period to be monetarily eligible

Applicants will need the following information to file a claim:

  • ID card, alien resident card or driver’s license (or any other valid and legally acceptable form of ID)
  • Social Security Card
  • Last employer’s separation letter
  • Last check stub
  • DD214 (former U.S. Armed Forces Service members)
  • SF8, SF50 (former federal civil service employee)

Applicants must apply for UI using the USVI, Department of Labor, UI online application. For more information, please contact the nearest USVI Department of Labor Office.

St. Croix
4401 Sion Farm Ste 1
Christiansted, VI 00820-4245
Phone: 340-773-1994
Fax: 340-713-3415
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am – 5 pm

St. Thomas / St. John
2353 Kronprindsens Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Fax: 340-715-5743
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am – 5 pm

USVI Department of Labor, UI Claimant Handbook

Learn more about USVI Unemployment Insurance

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What are my U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Military and Veteran Bureau of Motor Vehicles Benefits?

USVI Veteran Specialty License Plates: The USVI Bureau of Motor Vehicles offers three distinctive license plates to honor the serviceand sacrifice of Veterans and their Families. These license plates are offered free of charge, (applicants must still pay for the registration process).

To apply for a Veteran license plate, applicants must first register with the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs. Veterans can only have two sets of Veteran license plates at any one time.
USVI, Office of Veterans Affairs, Veteran License Plates Policy Letter
USVI, Office of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Eligibility Form - Vehicle Registration/Renewal
USVI Code Title 20, Section II, Chapter 33-334A

USVI Veteran Specialty License Plates: Veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and received a discharge other than dishonorable are eligible for the USVI Veteran license plate. USVI Code Title 20, Part II, Chapter 31-101Virgin Islands plate

USVI Disability Veteran Specialty License Plates: Veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and received a discharge other than dishonorable and have a condition that limits or impairs mobility are eligible for the USVI Disabled Veteran license plate with the international symbol of accessibility.

USVI Gold Star Family Specialty License Plates: Immediate Family members of a Service member killed in the line of duty while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for the USVI Gold Star license plate. Gold Star Families are authorized two plates per Family. Plates will be issued in the following order:

  • Father
  • Mother
  • Child (eldest to youngest)

For more information or assistance, please contact the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs.

USVI Office of Veteran Affairs
St. Thomas: 340-774-8387
St. Croix: 340-773-8387
Email: info_va@va.vi.gov

Learn more about USVI Veteran Specialty License Plates

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What are my U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Military and Veteran Health and Insurance Benefits?

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Life Insurance: The VA provides valuable life insurance benefits to Veterans, active and reserve component Service members and their Families to provide financial security given the extraordinary risks involved in military Service. The VA provides the following life insurance benefit programs:

  • Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
  • Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI)
  • Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI)
  • Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection Program (TSGLI)
  • Service-Disabled Veterans’ Life Insurance (S-DVI)
  • Veterans’ Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI)

Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Life Insurance

TRICARE Reserve Select Health Insurance: TRICARE Reserve Select is a premium-based plan, available worldwide for Selected Reserve, (U.S. Armed Forces Reserve and National Guard Service members) and their Families who meet the following qualifications:

  • Not on active duty orders
  • Not covered under the Transitional Assistance Management Program
  • Not eligible for or enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program or currently covered under FEHB, either under their own eligibility or through a Family member

The plan provides comprehensive health care coverage when a Service member is not activated and covered by active duty TRICARE benefits.

Learn more about TRICARE Reserve Select Health Insurance

USVI National Guard Compensation and Benefits due to Injury, Illness, Disability and Death: USVI National Guard Service members who are injured, become ill, disabled or die in the line of duty are eligible for compensation and benefits provided under USVI Workers’ Compensation laws, USVI Code Title 24, Chapter 11.
USVI Code Title 24, Chapter 11-282

Learn more about USVI National Guard Medical Coverage for Injury, Illness and Death Benefits incurred while on Territorial Active Duty

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What are my U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Military and Veteran Miscellaneous Benefits?

USVI First-Time Homebuyers Program Benefits for Veterans: The USVI Housing Finance Authority (VIHFA) First-Time Homebuyers Program provides mortgage assistance to low and moderate income residents when purchasing a home, improving their home, or to purchase land. Eligible Veterans are exempt from paying the minimum earnest money deposit of $1,000 and are offered a reduced application fee of $75.

First-Time Homebuyers Program Loan Benefits:

Land Purchase:

  • Maximum loan amount $50,000
  • Fixed rate with a term of 10 years
  • Land cannot exceed one half acre

Home Purchase or New Construction:

  • Maximum loan amount of $250,000
  • Fixed rate with a term of 30 years

Home Improvement:

  • Maximum loan amount of $40,000
  • Low fixed rate with a 10 year term

VIHFA First-time Homebuyers Program Fact Sheet

For more information, please call 340-777-4432 ext. 2269.

To begin the application process Veterans must first request a VIHFA Eligibility Form from the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs.
USVI Office of Veterans Affairs, Housing Finance Authority Policy Letter

USVI Office of Veteran Affairs
St. Thomas: 340-774-8387
St. Croix: 340-773-8387
Email: info_va@va.vi.gov

Learn more about the USVI First-Time Homebuyers Program Benefits for Veterans

USVI Taxi Medallions only Available to Veterans: Veterans may participate in the Annual Veteran Taxi Medallion Auction held in December. This auction is only open to resident Veterans.

Veterans must comply with the following:

  • Served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and received a discharge other than dishonorable USVI Code Title 20, Part II, Chapter 31-101
  • Applications must be picked up at the Taxicab Commission’s (TCC) Office in the Veteran’s island district during regular working hours
  • Applications must be taken to the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs for verification of eligibility as a resident Veteran
  • In addition to the Veteran Medallion Auction Application, attach two documents verifying residency on the island the auction is taking place:
    • Current property tax bill
    • Current residential lease
    • WAPA bill
  • All documents must be deposited into the bid box at the designated location for their district no later than 10 am on the day of the auction
  • Bid applicants must be present at the time of the auction

The minimum acceptable bid for St. Thomas and St. John is $20,000 and $8,000 for St. Croix. Winning bidders must make a 10% down payment of the bid amount no later than 3 p.m. the day of the auction, with the balance paid within 10 business days. When the balance is paid a Certificate of Entitlement and the taxi medallion will be issued. Veterans are prohibited from transferring the medallion within three years of purchase. After three years the transfer or sale must be made to another eligible Veteran.

For more information, please contact the USVI TCC.
USVI Code Title 20, Part II, Chapter 37-II-407
USVI TCC, Medallion Auction for Veterans Information

Learn more about USVI Taxi Medallions only Available to Veterans

USVI Veterans Medical Travel Reimbursements: The USVI Office of Veterans Affairs will provide travel assistance to eligible Veterans to attend medical appointments up to three times per fiscal year.

Travel within the VA Caribbean Healthcare Network: USVI Veterans traveling to the closest VA medical facility for medical appointments are eligible for 100% reimbursement of flight arrangements. Veterans must meet the following criteria:

  • Appointments must be initiated by the VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) orauthorized by the Director of the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs on an emergency basis before travel
  • Veteran must provide their appointment slip from the local CBOC, boarding passes, and ticket receipt to the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs when they return
  • Appointment must be a non-service-connected appointment (service-connected appointments are covered by the CBOC)
  • Flight arrangements for one member of the Veteran's Family can be reimbursed if the attending physician documents the need in writing

Note: All Veterans 70 years of age or older are authorized to be reimbursed for a travel companion whether the CBOC states so in writing or not. The purpose of the companion must be to assist the Veteran as they travel.

Travel outside of the VA Caribbean Healthcare Network: USVI Veterans traveling outside of the VA Caribbean Healthcare Network are authorized to be reimbursed by the Office of Veterans Affairs for no more than $250 under the following circumstances:

  • Veteran must be receiving care at a VA Hospital or VA Medical Center (care at a CBOC does not qualify)
  • Reimbursement for travel must be pre-approved by the Director of the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs before travel is started, to include verification of appointment at VA Medical Facility
  • Travel attendants are not authorized reimbursement
  • Authorizations are based on availability of funds

For more information, please contact the USVIOffice of Veterans Affairs.

USVI Office of Veteran Affairs
St. Thomas: 340-774-8387
St. Croix: 340-773-8387
Email: info_va@va.vi.gov

USVI Medical Travel Reimbursement Form

Learn more about USVI Veterans Medical Travel Reimbursements

Burial Benefits for USVI Veterans, Service Members and their Dependents: Burial benefits paid for by the USVI government are provided water inlet full of boatsto eligible Service members, Veterans and their dependents. Those eligible will be buried in spaces in USVI cemeteries that are specifically set aside Veterans, Service members and their Families.

Service members and Veterans must have been residents of the USVI at the time of death and must have entered the U.S. Armed Forces from the USVI or were residents but entered service while temporarily living outside the USVI.
Who is eligible for Burial Benefits for USVI Veterans, Service Members and their Dependents? Those eligible for burial benefits are:

  • Service members who die serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces
  • National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Service members who die:
    • While on territorial or federal active duty
    • While in an active duty for training status
    • After 20 years of qualifying service
  • Veterans discharged from active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces under conditions other than dishonorable
  • Spouse or unremarried Surviving Spouse of an eligible Service member or Veteran*
  • Dependent Children under 21 years old (23 if still in college)
  • Adult dependent Children who have a lifelong disability
  • Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets who die in an active duty for training status

*If a Surviving Spouse marries a non-Veteran, and their remarriage is terminated by the death of, or divorce from the non-Veteran, the Spouse regains their eligibility.

In addition, Family members of deceased Veterans can request Military Funeral Honors to be provided by members of the Veteran’s branch of service.

For more information, please contact the USVI Office of Veterans Affairs.

USVI Office of Veteran Affairs
St. Thomas: 340-774-8387
St. Croix: 340-773-8387
Email: info_va@va.vi.gov

USVI, (Army) Military Funeral Honors Request Form
USVI Office of Veterans Affairs, Application for Veterans Burial Benefits

Learn more about Burial Benefits for USVI Veterans, Service Members and their Dependents

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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI)

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in USVI: The VA has numerous resources available for Veterans and Family members. Please see the local location listing for the nearest facility.

Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in USVI

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemeteries in USVI: The VA National Cemetery Administration does not maintain a national cemetery in the USVI. The nearest national cemetery is in Puerto Rico.

Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemeteries in Puerto Rico

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Military Installations in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI)

Please see the USVI Military Resource Locator for additional information.

Active Duty
There are no active duty units in the USVI

National Guard
USVI Army National Guard

USVI Air National Guard
285 th Civil Engineering Squadron

U.S. Army Reserve (USAR)
81 st Readiness Division


USVI Office of Veterans Affairs

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Facility Directory USVI

Army National Guard, USVI

Army National Guard Benefits

Air National Guard Benefits

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Service Organization Directory

U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Veterans' Preference

USVI Government Employee Handbook

USVI Government Personnel Rules and Regulations


USVI Office of Veterans Affairs Forms Webpage

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Document Review Date: 25 July 2024