Estimate medical retirement pay for a medical separation or retirement while going through the Medical Evaluation Board process. Benefits are based on DoD disability percentage or years of service to assist in making an informed decision on medical or, if eligible, a longevity retirement.
Access to the Medical Retirement calculators requires a CAC or DS Logon. This allows a service member's personnel data to populate the calculator fields for a personalized estimate of medical separation or retired pay.
Sign up for a DS Logon here.
Medical BRS
Estimate pay for a medical separation or retirement benefits based on DoD disability percentage or years of service to assist in making an informed decision on a medical retirement or, if eligible, a longevity retirement. The Blended Retirement System applies to those who entered service on or after January 1, 2018, or opted-in to the BRS.
Medical High-3
Estimate pay for a medical separation or retirement benefits based on DoD disability percentage or years of service to assist in making an informed decision on a medical retirement or, if eligible, a longevity retirement. The High-3 system applies to those who entered service on or after September 8, 1980, but before August 1, 1986, OR entered on or after August 1, 1986, and did not choose the Career Status Bonus (CSB) and REDUX retirement system.
Medical Final Pay
Estimate pay for a medical separation or retirement benefits based on DoD disability percentage or years of service to assist in making an informed decision on a medical retirement or, if eligible, a longevity retirement. The Final Pay system applies to those who entered service prior to September 8, 1980.
Medical REDUX
Estimate pay for a medical separation or retirement benefits based on DoD disability percentage or years of service to assist in making an informed decision on a medical retirement or, if eligible, a longevity retirement. The REDUX system applies to those who opted for the Career Status Bonus at 15 years of service, but are not yet retired, entered on or after August 1, 1986, but before January 1, 2003, AND elected to receive the Career Status Bonus.

The return home from combat can often leave servicemembers feeling out of place with the most important people in their lives - their families.
"In deployment, Soldiers grow accustomed to a new lifestyle and a new 'family' - those buddies that bond together to defend each other," said Maj. Ken Williams, 14th Military Police Brigade chaplain. "This lifestyle change is prolonged and becomes familiar, i.e., the new normal."
The families also change while the Soldier is deployed.
"The family is a system," Williams said. "When one family member is absent, the whole system changes. All members of the family adapt to a new 'normal' way of life."
When the servicemember returns, the family may feel uncomfortable with each other, and the servicemember may withdraw from the family.