State Taxes
Education Benefits
Employment Benefits
Unemployment Insurance
Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Health and Insurance Benefits
Parks and Recreation
Miscellaneous Benefits
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Facilities in Alaska
Alaska Military Resource Locator
Summary of Alaska Military and Veterans Benefits: Alaska offers special benefits for service members, Veterans and their families including the Permanent Fund Dividend, military credit toward state retirement, property tax exemptions, state employment preferences, education and tuition assistance, Veteran land purchase discounts, vehicle tags, as well as hunting and fishing license privileges. Eligibility for some benefits may depend on residency, military component, and Veteran disability status.
Alaska Office of Veterans Affairs: The Alaska Office of Veterans Affairs serves as the primary advocate for Veterans, service members and their families and can help them find and apply for benefits under federal, state and local laws. All their services are provided free of charge.
Alaska Office of Veterans Affairs Contact Information
Learn more about the Alaska Office of Veterans Affairs
Alaska Military and Veterans State Benefit Highlights and Eligibility
What are my Alaska Military and Veterans State Tax Benefits?
Alaska Income Taxes: There are no individual income taxes in Alaska. Distributions received from the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) are not taxed.
Learn more about Alaska Income Taxes
Alaska Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans: Real property owned and occupied as a primary residence by a Veteran who has a 50% or more service-connected disability rating from the VA is exempt from property taxes on the first $150,000 of assessed value. This exemption transfers to a spouse if the Veteran passes away and the spouse is at least 60 years of age. For more information, please contact the local Alaska Tax Office.
Alaska Tax Office Directory
Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Real Estate Benefits
Learn more about the Alaska Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans
What are my Alaska Military and Veterans Education Benefits?
Alaska National Guard Tuition Assistance (TA): The Alaska National Guard will pay up to 100% of tuition and required fees at an educational, vocational, or technical training school for eligible service members serving in the Alaska National Guard. Service members may combine both federal and state TA for up to 100% of tuition and authorized fees at a school in the University of Alaska System.
Service members are authorized no more than one credential from each of the following levels:
- Certificate or license
- Associate degree
- Bachelor’s degree
Who is eligible for Alaska National Guard TA? Alaska National Guard service members who participate satisfactorily in unit training activities and is a student in good standing at the educational institution (enrolled, attending and meeting the minimum success requirements for completion of the program or class) are eligible for Alaska National Guard TA.
Alaska Statutes 26.05.296
Alaska National Guard service members must apply for federal TA first, to be eligible to apply for state TA. Service members can apply for state TA through their state education specialist.
For more information, please contact the Alaska National Guard Education Services Office at
Alaska Army National Guard TA Handout
Alaska National Guard Education Services Office Webpage
Learn more about Alaska National Guard Tuition Assistance
Alaska Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (MIC3): The purpose of this compact is to remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents by:
- Facilitating the prompt enrollment of children of military families and ensuring that they are not placed at a disadvantage due to difficulty in the transfer of educational records from the previous school district or variations in entrance or age requirements
- Facilitating the student placement process through which children of military families are not disadvantaged by variations in attendance requirements, scheduling, sequencing, grading, course content or assessment. Facilitating the qualification and eligibility for enrollment, educational programs and participation in extracurricular academic, athletic and social activities
- Facilitating the on-time graduation of children of military families
- Providing for the enforcement of administrative rules implementing the provisions of this compact
- Providing for the uniform collection and sharing of information between and among member states, schools, and military families under this compact
- Promoting coordination between this compact and other compacts affecting military children
- Promoting flexibility and cooperation between the educational system, parents, and the student in order to achieve educational success for the student
Points of Contact
Phone: 907-465-2972 / 907-465-2276
Learn more about the Alaska Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
Alaska High School Diplomas for World War II Veterans: The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development will award high school diplomas to World War II Veterans, including Alaska Territorial Guard members, who served in the U.S. Armed Forces between August 7, 1940, through July 25, 1947. Veterans with a GED may also apply. Family members may apply for eligible deceased or incapacitated Veterans.
Alaska Statutes 14.03.077
To apply, please send an email to that includes the following information:
- Veteran's full name (as it will appear on the diploma)
- Dates of service
- Mailing address
- Applicant’s name
- Telephone number
Applicants will be required to fax or mail a copy of the Veteran’s discharge papers to:
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
ATTN: WWII HS Diploma Program
PO Box 110500
Juneau, AK 99811-0500
Fax: 907-465-4156
Learn more about Alaska High School Diplomas for World War II Veterans
Purple Star School Designation for Alaska Military-Friendly Schools: The Alaska Purple Star School designation for military-friendly schools recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to the U.S. Armed Forces. Schools that earn the award will receive special Purple Star recognition to display on site.
For a school to qualify for the Purple Star Award they must appoint a school liaison who is specially trained to handle the unique challenges experienced by military families. This liaison will ensure that other teachers at their school are aware of special considerations that students from military families can benefit from. Each school will also have a dedicated page on their school website featuring resources for military families.
Military Child Education Coalition Purple Star School Program
Learn more about the Purple Star School Designation for Alaska Military-Friendly Schools
What are my Alaska Military and Veterans Employment Benefits?
Military Service Credit for Alaska State Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS): Former service members may be eligible to purchase up to five years of PERS credit for active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces. Military credit does not count towards retirement eligibility but is used to calculate the amount of monthly benefits after retirement.
PERS members will be charged 8.5% of their annualized vesting year salary for each year of military service credit claimed.
Who is eligible for Military Service Credit for Alaska State PERS? Honorably discharged service members who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and are vested in PERS are eligible to purchase credit. PERS retirees, deferred vested members, and surviving spouses of PERS members who served in the U.S. Armed Forces, may also be eligible to receive this credit.
PERS members eligible for federal benefits for the same military service are not eligible. Retired National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserve service members may be eligible to claim active military service even though they are eligible for a federal benefit for the same military service. For more information, please contact the Alaska Division of Retirement and Benefits, Customer Service Center at 800-821-2251, or 907-465-4460 (in Juneau).
Alaska Division of Retirement and Benefits, Application for Military Service Credit for Pension Benefit Calculation
Alaska Division of Retirement and Benefits, Military Service Credit Brochure
Learn more about Military Service Credit for Alaska State Public Employees' Retirement System
Alaska State Employment Hiring Preference for Veterans, Service Members and Former Prisoners of War: Alaska offers eligible Veterans and National Guard service members a preference when hiring for public employment. All applicants must meet the minimum qualifications for the position to receive preference.
If a numerical rating system is used for hiring, Veterans and National Guard service members will receive 5% of the total points available added to their score. Disabled Veterans and former prisoners of war will receive 10% of the total points available added to their score.
If numerical ratings are not used, a Veteran or National Guard service member will be given consideration, and a disabled Veteran or prisoner of war will be given an opportunity to interview.
Who is eligible for Alaska State Employment Hiring Preference for Veterans, Service Members and Former Prisoners of War? Applicants must meet the following requirements.
Veteran Eligibility:
- Served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for 181 days or more and received an honorable discharge
- Served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for less than 181 days and received an honorable discharge during one of the following time periods
- Between April 6, 1917, through December 1, 1919
- Between September 16, 1940, through December 31, 1947
- Between June 27, 1950, through October 14, 1976
- Between August 2, 1990, through January 2, 1992
- Between September 11, 2001, and ending when prescribed by Presidential proclamation
- During a war, campaign or expedition that a campaign medal, the Purple Heart, a medal for heroism in action were awarded
- Served 181 days or more in the Alaska Territorial Guard
Reserve Component Eligibility:
- Currently serving or honorably discharged Alaska National Guard, U.S. Armed Forces Reserve, and Alaska Territorial Guard service members
Disabled Veteran Eligibility:
- Served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and received an honorable discharge and:
- Was discharged due to a service-connected disability
- Is entitled to compensation from the VA for a disability
- Was disabled in the line of duty while serving in the Alaska Territorial Guard
Prisoner of War Eligibility:
- Declared a prisoner of war during a declared war or other recognized conflict
Surviving Spouse and Child Eligibility:
- Spouse of an eligible Veteran or reserve component service member are eligible for a 5% increase in their score or special consideration
- The unremarried surviving spouse or child of an eligible disabled Veteran, or former prisoner of war are eligible for a 10% increase in their score, or special consideration
Federal Employment Veterans’ Hiring Preferences: By Federal law, Veterans who are disabled or who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during certain specified time periods or in military campaigns are entitled to preference over non-Veterans in hiring into the Federal civil service and in retention during reduction in force. Veterans may be entitled to 5 or 10 points included in any scoring process for examination or interviews.
5-point Hiring Preference: Five points are added to the examination score or rating of a Veteran who served:
- During a war, or
- During the period April 28, 1952, through July 1, 1955, or
- For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred after January 31, 1955, and before October 15, 1976, or
- During the Gulf War from August 2, 1990, through January 2, 1992, or
- For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred during the period beginning September 11, 2001, and ending on August 31, 2010, the last day of Operation Iraqi Freedom, or
- In a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal has been authorized. Any Armed Forces Expeditionary medal or campaign badge, including El Salvador, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Southwest Asia, Somalia, and Haiti, qualifies for preference
10-point Compensable Disability (CP) Preference: Ten points are added to the examination score or rating of a Veteran who served at any time and who has a compensable service-connected disability rating of at least 10% but less than 30% .
10-Point 30% Compensable Disability Preference (CPS): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of a Veteran who served at any time and who has a compensable service-connected disability rating of 30% or more.
10-Point Disability Preference (XP): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of:
- A Veteran who served at any time and has a present service-connected disability or is receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension from the military or the VA but does not qualify as a CP or CPS, or
- A Veteran who received a Purple Heart
10-Point Derived Preference (XP): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of spouses, surviving spouses, or mothers of Veterans. Both a mother and a spouse (including surviving spouse) may be entitled to preference based on the same Veteran's service if they both meet the requirements. However, neither may receive preference if the Veteran is living and is qualified for Federal employment.
Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of the spouse of a disabled Veteran who is disqualified for a federal position along the general lines of their usual occupation because of a service-connected disability. Such a disqualification may be presumed when the Veteran is unemployed and:
- Is rated by appropriate military or VA authorities to be 100% disabled and/or unemployable, or
- Has retired, been separated, or resigned from a civil service position because of a disability that is service-connected in origin, or
- Has attempted to obtain a civil service position or other position along the lines of their usual occupation and has failed to qualify because of a service-connected disability
Preference may be allowed in other circumstances but anything less than the above warrants a more careful analysis.
A campaign medal holder or Gulf War Veteran who originally enlisted after September 7, 1980, (or began active duty on or after October 14, 1982, and has not previously completed 24 months of continuous active duty) must have served continuously for 24 months or the full period called or ordered to active duty. The 24-month service requirement does not apply to 10-point preference eligible Veterans separated for disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, or to Veterans separated for hardship or other reasons under Title 10 U.S.C. 1171 or 1173.
Learn more about Federal Employment Veterans' Hiring Preferences
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA): USERRA protects civilian job rights and benefits for Veterans and members of reserve components. USERRA also protects service member rights and benefits by clarifying the law, improving enforcement mechanisms, and adding Federal Government employees to those employees already eligible to receive Department of Labor assistance in processing claims.
Absence from Work for Military Duty: USERRA establishes the cumulative length of time that an individual may be absent from work for military duty and retain reemployment rights to five years. Exceptions to the five-year limit, include initial enlistments lasting more than five years, periodic National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserve training duty, and involuntary active duty extensions and recalls, especially during a time of national emergency. USERRA establishes that reemployment protection does not depend on the timing, frequency, duration, or nature of an individual's service if the basic eligibility criteria are met.
Disability Accommodation: USERRA provides protection for disabled Veterans, requiring employers to make reasonable efforts to accommodate the disability. Service members recovering from injuries received during service or training may have up to two years from the date of completion of service to return to their jobs or apply for reemployment.
Return to Work without Loss of Seniority: USERRA provides that returning service members are reemployed in the job that they would have attained had they not been absent for military service, with the same seniority, status and pay, as well as other rights and benefits determined by seniority. USERRA also requires that reasonable efforts (such as training or retraining) be made to enable returning service members to refresh or upgrade their skills to help them qualify for reemployment. USERRA also provides that while an individual is performing military service, they are deemed to be on a furlough or leave of absence and are entitled to the non-seniority rights accorded other individuals on non-military leaves of absence.
Extension of Health and Pension Plans: Health and pension plan coverage for service members is provided for by USERRA. Individuals performing military duty of more than 30 days may elect to continue employer sponsored health care for up to 24 months; however, they may be required to pay up to102% of the full premium. For military service of less than 31 days, health care coverage is provided as if the service members had remained employed. USERRA clarifies pension plan coverage by making it explicit that all pension plans are protected.
Who is eligible for USERRA Benefits? Veterans, U.S. Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard service members who leave a position for training or active military service are eligible.
The Department of Labor, through the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) helps all who have claims under USERRA, including Federal and Postal Service employees.
VETS Regional Office Locations
Learn more about Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Veterans Employment Services: The Alaska Department of Labor offers priority of service and employment assistance to Veterans, and eligible spouses, who are looking for employment, apprenticeships, and on-the-job training programs.
Priority of service means:
- Receiving earlier access to a service or resource
- When services or resources are limited, receiving access before or instead of others
Veterans who have significant barriers to employment, as well as eligible spouses and care givers can receive specialized intensive services through the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program.
Examples of intensive services includes:
- Specialized assessments of skill level and service needs
- Developing individual employment plan
- Individual counseling and career planning
- Short term services may include:
- Development of learning skills
- Communication skills
- Interviewing skills
- Punctuality
- Personal maintenance skills
- Professional conduct
Who is eligible for Priority of Service at Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Offices? To be eligible for priority of service a Veteran must have served at least one day on active duty and received an other than dishonorable discharge. A spouse of any of the following are also eligible:
- Veteran who died of a service-connected disability
- Service member serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces who is listed for 90 or more days as:
- Missing in action
- Captured in the line of duty by a hostile force
- Forcibly detained or interned in the line of duty by a foreign government or power
- Veteran who has a total service-connected disability rating from the VA
- Veteran who died while a total, service-connected disability rating was in existence
For specific eligibility and questions about Veteran services, please contact the nearest Alaska Job Center or email the Alaska Statewide Veteran Coordinator at 907-269-3016.
Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Priority of Service Flyer
Alaska Job Centers Directory
Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Veteran Services Frequently Asked Questions
Alaska State Employee Leave for Military Duty: State employees who are service members serving in a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for 16.5 days of paid military leave per year for training, field exercises or when under direct military control during a search and rescue mission. During military leave employees will not lose pay, time, or efficiency rating.
Service members called to active duty by the governor are eligible for five days leave of absence without loss of pay, time, or efficiency rating.
Who is eligible for Alaska State Employee Leave for Military Duty? National Guard or U.S. Armed Forces Reserve service members are eligible for military leave.
Learn more about Alaska State Employee Leave for Military Duty
Restoration of Reserve Component Service Members to Former Positions in Alaska State Employment: Alaska State employees who are service members serving in a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces and are ordered to state or federal active duty must be restored to their former state position at the end of their active duty service.
Who is eligible for Restoration of Reserve Component Service Members to Former Positions in Alaska State Employment? National Guard or U.S. Armed Forces Reserve service members who are state employees are eligible to be restored to their former positions in state employment.
Alaska Hilton Honors Military Program: The Alaska Hilton Honors Military Program helps make the career transition from service in the U.S. Armed Forces to civilian employment easier for current and former service members. The Hilton Honors Military Program will provide hotel accommodations for required travel while they are looking for a new job, training for a new job, or finding housing. Those eligible can receive up to a total of 100,000 hotel points for verifiable employment-related activities.
To be eligible, individuals must be registered at an Alaska Job Center, have a current Hilton Honors account and have a specific employment-related need to travel (i.e., job search, job interview, relocation or training for a new position). For more information, please contact the nearest Alaska Job Center.
Alaska Department of Labor, Hilton Honors Military Flyer
National Association of State Workforce Agencies, Hilton Honors Military Program Fact Sheet
Learn more about the Alaska Hilton Honors Military Program
Alaska Professional License Benefits for Service Members and Spouses: Alaska offers several professional licensing benefits for service members and their spouses.
Military Temporary Professional Licenses: State professional licensing authorities will issue temporary licenses to service members and their spouses who are licensed in another state when they are assigned to a duty station in Alaska. Temporary licenses are generally issued within 30 days of application and are valid for 180 days while applicants work to meet full licensure requirements. Service members and spouses can apply for a temporary licenses at the myAlaska webpage.
Applicants may request an extension of a temporary license for another 180 days as they continue to meet full licensing requirements by submitting a Request for Extension - Military Temporary License to the address or email on the form.
Military Education and Training Accepted for Professional Licensing: Alaska professional licensing authorities will accept military education, training, and experience that applicants received while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces to meet state professional licensing requirements. Applicants may request this determination of equivalency online using the myAlaska webpage.
Professional license Extension for Deployed Service Members: Service members who hold an Alaska professional license and are deployed to a combat zone or hazardous duty location can request to defer professional licensing requirements until after redeployment. Service members may request this deferral online using the myAlaska webpage, or by submitting a Request for Exemption from Professional Licensing Requirements for Military Personnel Instructions and Application to the address or email on the form.
Military Family Life Counselors Accelerated Licensing: Department of Defense (DoD) contracted Military Family Life Counselors who are applying for a license as a professional counselor, social worker, or other qualifying license type may receive expedited application processing. To request expedited review of an application, please email a request to and provide a copy the DoD employment agency contact.
For more information regarding any of these professional licensing benefits, please email MilitaryLicense@Alaska.Gov.
Learn more about Alaska Professional License Benefits for Service Members and Spouses
What are my Alaska Military and Veterans Unemployment Insurance Benefits?
Alaska Unemployment Insurance (UI): UI provides temporary financial assistance for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. UI is a partial, short-term replacement for lost wages while workers are seeking other work and is not intended to be a permanent source of income.
Information needed to apply:
- Social Security number
- Non-U.S. citizens must provide alien registration number, work permit type, or passport number and expiration date
- Name, mailing address and phone number of last employer
- Dates of employment
- Hours and gross wages earned in the last week worked
- Gross amount of holiday, vacation, severance, or bonus received during the last week worked
- SF8 and SF50 if a former federal employee in the last 18 months
- DD214 (member copy 4) if a former service member in the last 18 months
- Retirement pension information (if applicable)
The quickest way to file a claim is online using the myAlaska webpage. Applicants may also file by calling a UI Claim Center. Telephone hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Alaska Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except for federal or state holidays).
Anchorage UI Claim Center: 907-269-4700
Juneau UI Claim Center: 907-465-5552
Fairbanks UI Claim Center: 907-451-2871
Toll-Free for Remote Locations: 888-252-2557
Learn more about Alaska Unemployment Insurance
What are my Alaska Military and Veterans Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Benefits?
Veteran Designation on Alaska Driver Licenses and ID Cards: The Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles offers a Veteran designation on Alaska driver licenses and ID cards for eligible Veterans.
Who is eligible for the Veteran Designation on Alaska Driver licenses and ID Cards? Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and received a discharge under honorable conditions are eligible for a Veteran designation on their Alaska driver license or ID card.
To request the designation, Veterans must apply at an Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles Office. Veterans will be required to complete the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles, Driver License, Permit or ID Card Transaction Application and provide one of the following documents:
- DD214 or DD215
- NGB22 or NGB22A
- Letter from the VA certifying eligibility
- Valid Department of Defense Retired, or Reserve Retired ID card
Learn more about Veteran Designation on Alaska Driver Licenses and ID Cards
Alaska Special Military and Veteran License Plates: Alaska offers 15 distinctive license plates to honor the service and sacrifice of eligible service members, Veterans, retired service members, and certain family members. Specific eligibility and documentation requirements will apply. Examples of the license plates may be found by scrolling down to the “Honoring Military and Veteran Service” section on the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles, Personalized Plate webpage.
In addition to the license plates, 64 different symbols for specific units or badges can be added to some plates. For a list, please visit the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles, Military Unit Designations webpage.
License plates may be requested using the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles, Application for Personalized Plates at the nearest Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles Office or online using the myAlaska webpage.
Alaska Purple Heart License Plate: Recipients of the Purple Heart are eligible for the Alaska Purple Heart license plate. Applicants must provide a copy of their DD214, orders or other official documentation as proof they received the Purple Heart when they apply.
Alaska Veteran License Plate: Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for the Alaska Veteran license plate. The license plate will have an image of the Veteran’s branch of service, 64 different symbols for specific units or badges. Veterans must provide a copy of one of the following when they apply:
- DD214
- Letter from the VA certifying eligibility
- Active duty ID card
- Department of Defense Retired, or Reserve Retired ID card
- Current LES (leave and earnings statement)
Alaska Disabled Veteran License Plate: Alaska Disabled Veteran license plates are offered to Veterans who have at least a 50% service-connected disability rating from the VA or their branch of service. Veterans are required to provide a copy of their DD214, or discharge paperwork, and official documentation of their disability when they apply.
Veterans who require license plates with the wheelchair logo will be required to also submit a completed Alaska, Division of Motor Vehicles, Application for Special Disability Parking Permit.
Learn more about the Alaska Disabled Veteran License Plate
Alaska Gold Star Family License Plate: Immediate family members of a service member who was killed in the line of duty while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible the Alaska Gold Star Family license plates.
Gold Star license plates are offered to the following family members:
- Unremarried surviving spouse
- Parent or guardian
- Sibling
- Child
Applicants must provide a copy of a DD1300, Report of Casualty when they apply. Family members who are not listed on the DD1300 must provide other official documentation to prove their relationship to the deceased service member.
Learn more about Alaska Special Military and Veteran License Plates
Alaska Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Road Skills Waiver: Alaska offers a CDL road skills testing waiver for service members and former service members based on their military training and experience. This waiver is offered to service members who are currently licensed or were employed within the last year in a military position requiring the operation of a military motor vehicle like the commercial motor vehicle class license they are applying for. This waiver is only for the CDL road skills testing, CDL knowledge tests cannot be waived. Service members cannot transfer school bus or passenger endorsements.
Applicants must also meet the following requirements:
- Not had more than one license (except for a military license) in the past two years
- Not had any license suspended, revoked, or cancelled in the past two years
- Not had any convictions for any type of motor vehicle for the disqualifying offenses (listed on the application)
- Not had more than one conviction for any type of motor vehicle for serious traffic violations (listed on the application)
- Have not had any conviction for a violation of military, state or local laws relating to motor vehicle traffic control (other than a parking violation) as a result of a traffic accident and has no record of an accident in which they were at fault
To apply for the CDL road skills waiver complete the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles, Application for Military Skills Test Waiver, page two the form must be signed by the applicant’s commanding officer. See the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles, CDL webpage for more information on how to apply.
Learn more about the Alaska Commercial Driver’s License Road Skills Waiver
Extension of Alaska Driver Licenses for Service Members and Their Spouse: The driver license of Alaska resident service members serving in the U.S. Armed Forces stationed outside Alaska and their spouse remain valid until 90 days after discharge, or until they return to Alaska, whichever occurs first. Those eligible can print a Military Expiration Endorsement as proof their driver license is still valid.
Learn more about Extension of Alaska Driver Licenses for Service Members and Their Spouse
Renewal of Alaska Driver License for Service Members and Spouses Stationed Outside Alaska: Alaska resident service members and their spouses who are stationed outside of Alaska, may be able to renew their Alaska non-commercial driver license remotely. This applies to the standard (non-REAL ID) driver licenses. Dependent children are not eligible.
Service members or spouses must complete the following steps to renew their license:
- Provide a completed Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles Driver License, Permit, or ID Card Transaction Application
- Two forms of Identification (copies of expiring card, passport, birth certificate)
- Copy of military orders – that includes date deployed and date to return and the oversea deployment area
- Copy of Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) listing Alaska as state of residence
- If not U.S. citizens, verification of legal presence
- Eye Examination and Physician or Optometrist Assessment, dated within the last six months, must show that the applicant has corrected vision in both eyes of at least 20/40
- Spouse must provide proof of relation to service member (military dependent ID, copy of marriage certificate, etc.)
- Fee of $20 for standard license (an electronic invoice will be emailed for payment)
Applications and all required documentation can be submitted online through the myAlaska webpage.
Alaska Motorcycle Licenses for Resident Service Members Stationed Outside Alaska: Alaska resident service members stationed outside Alaska can apply for a state motorcycle license online without returning to Alaska.
Service members will be required to pass the online motorcycle knowledge test and complete a motorcycle safety course recognized by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. Service members must provide a completed Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles Driver License, Permit, or ID Card Transaction Application, the Eye Examination and Physician or Optometrist Assessment and a copy of their knowledge and motorcycle course completion certificates. Applications and all required documentation can be submitted online through the myAlaska webpage. Service members will receive an electronic invoice for the fee.
Learn more about Alaska Motorcycle Licenses for Resident Service Members Stationed Outside Alaska
What are my Alaska Military and Veterans Health and Insurance Benefits?
Alaska National Guard Medical Coverage and Compensation for Injury, Illness and Death Incurred while on State Active Duty: Alaska National Guard service members serving on state active duty who are injured, become ill, become disabled or die in the line of duty are eligible for benefits and compensation under the Alaska Workers' Compensation Act.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Life Insurance: The VA provides valuable life insurance benefits to Veterans, active and reserve component service members, and their families to provide financial security given the extraordinary risks involved in military service. The VA provides the following life insurance benefit programs:
- Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
- Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI)
- Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI)
- Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection Program (TSGLI)
- Service-Disabled Veterans’ Life Insurance (S-DVI)
- Veterans’ Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI)
Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Life Insurance
TRICARE Reserve Select Health Insurance: TRICARE Reserve Select is a premium-based plan, available worldwide for Selected Reserve, (U.S. Armed Forces Reserve and National Guard service members) and their families who meet the following qualifications:
- Not on active duty orders
- Not covered under the Transitional Assistance Management Program
- Not eligible for or enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program or currently covered under FEHB, either under their own eligibility or through a family member
This plan provides comprehensive health care coverage when a service member is not on active duty and covered by active duty TRICARE benefits.
Learn more about TRICARE Reserve Select Health Insurance
Alaska Veteran Death Gratuity: The Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs will pay a death gratuity of $750 to the surviving spouse of Veterans who were buried on or after May 13, 1984, or died on or after September 19, 1990. If there is no surviving spouse, the gratuity will be paid to the personal representative of the Veteran.
Who is eligible for the Alaska Veteran Death Gratuity? Veterans must meet the following requirements for their beneficiaries to receive a death gratuity:
- Received an Honorable Discharge or a General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions from service in an active or reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces, or served in the Alaska Territorial Guard
- Resident of Alaska for at least one year prior to entry into the U.S. Armed Forces, and returned to the Alaska within one year after their discharge, or
- Resident of Alaska for at least one year prior to death
Learn more about the Alaska Veteran Death Gratuity
What are my Alaska Military and Veterans Parks and Recreation Benefits?
Alaska Military and Veterans Hunting and Fishing Benefits: Alaska offers special hunting and fishing benefits for service members, Veterans, and their families.
Applicants can apply for hunting and fishing licenses online at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Online Store.
Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Residency Definition
Alaska National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserves Hunting and Fishing Licenses: Alaska offers free annual hunting and fishing licenses for resident service members who are actively serving in the Alaska National Guard or the U.S. Armed Forces Reserves.
Alaska Resident Disabled Veteran Free Hunting and Fishing Licenses: Alaska offers resident disabled Veterans who have a 50% or greater disability rating from the VA or their branch of service free hunting and fishing licenses. Veterans must be physically present in Alaska to apply. If at any time a Disabled Veteran license holder is no longer a resident of Alaska, their licenses are immediately void.
Veterans can apply online, but they must provide a copy of their VA Benefit Summary Letter or other official documentation to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game as proof of their eligibility. Documentation can be emailed to, faxed to 907-465-2440, or mailed to:
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Licensing Section
PO Box 115525
Juneau, AK 99811-5525
Alaska Nonresident Service Members Hunting and Fishing License for Discounted Prices: Nonresident active duty service members stationed in Alaska can purchase fishing and hunting license for discounted prices.
Service members serving on active duty and their dependents who are stationed in Alaska for less than 12 months can purchase a special military license at the same price as resident rates. Service members and dependents must be accompanied by an Alaskan Licensed Guide or a relative within the second degree of kindred (Alaska Administrative Code 5-92.990(85)) when hunting brown/grizzly bear or Dall sheep.
Nonresident service members and their dependents who have been stationed in Alaska for more than 12 months can purchase standard resident licenses and are not required to have a guide.
Learn more about the Alaska Military and Veterans Hunting and Fishing Benefits
Free Alaska State Park Camping Passes for Disabled Veterans: Alaska offers one free Alaska State Park Camping Pass to disabled Veterans. The 2023-2027 DAV pass is valid in all developed Alaska State Park campgrounds.
Who is eligible for a Free Alaska State Park Camping Pass for Disabled Veterans? To be eligible, Veterans must be an Alaska resident and have a service-connected disability rating. Veterans must apply in person at either the Anchorage or Fairbanks Department of Natural Resources, Public Information Centers. Veterans will be required to show proof of residency and that they have a service-connected disability. If applicants cannot appear in person to apply, please contact one of the Public Information Centers below for more information.
550 W 7th Avenue, Suite 1360
Anchorage, AK 99501-3557
Phone: 907-269-8400
TDD: 907-269-8411
Fax: 907-269-8901
3700 Airport Way
Fairbanks, AK 99709-4699
Phone: 907-451-2705
TDD: 907-451-2770
Fax: 907-451-2706
Learn more about Free Alaska State Park Camping Passes for Disabled Veterans
Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) Pass for Disabled Veterans: AMHS offers a reduced fare pass for Veterans who have a service-connected disability. This pass entitles the disabled Veteran and an attendant (if required by a physician) to travel at 50% off the regular passenger fare. This pass may be used between Alaska ports only, on all AMHS vessels, year-round. Reduced fares do not include vehicles, cabins, or meals.
To apply Veterans must submit a completed application and official documentation of their service-connected disability by email to, by fax to 907-465-8824, or by mail to:
Alaska Marine Highway System
Disability Pass Desk
PO Box 112505
Juneau, AK 99811-2505
Phone: 907-465-3946
For ferry schedules, reservations, or more information, please visit the AMHS website.
AMHS Disability Discount Pass Terms and Conditions
AMHS Disability Discount Pass Application
Learn more about the Alaska Marine Highway System Pass for Disabled Veterans
Alaska Railroad Discount for Veterans, Active Duty Service Members and Their Dependents: The Alaska Railroad offers a 20% discount to Veterans, retired service members, active duty service members and their dependents. Patrons must show an official ID showing proof of eligibility when boarding. For more information, please call 907-265-2494 or 800-544-0552.
Alaska Railroad Webpage
What are my Alaska Military and Veterans Miscellaneous Benefits?
Alaska National Guard and Naval Militia Retirement System (NGNMRS): NGNMRS is aretirement system that pays eligible service members $100 per month for each month they were credited for satisfactory Alaska National Guard service.
A lump sum payment option or accelerated payments to be completed by age 72 may be chosen in place of the base $100 per month.
If the service member dies on active duty and has at least five years of satisfactory Alaska National Guard service, their full accrued benefit (months of service x $100) is payable in one lump sum to their beneficiary or beneficiaries. If the retired service member dies prior to the payment of their full accrued benefit, the remainder will be paid in a lump sum to their beneficiary or beneficiaries.
Who is eligible for the NGNMRS?Retired National Guard service members must have at least 20 years of combined service in the Alaska National Guard, the National Guard of another state, the U.S. Armed Forces Reserves or for active duty service, of which at least five years must have been in the Alaska National Guard. An involuntary discharge from the Alaska National Guard (for reasons other than misconduct) waives this requirement.
To apply for NGNMRS benefits applicants must submit a completed Alaska Division of Retirement Benefits, Application for National Guard and Naval Militia Retirement System to:
Alaska Division of Retirement and Benefits
P.O. Box 110203
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0203
Phone: 907-465-4460, outside Juneau 800-821-2251
Fax: 907-465-3086
Learn more about the Alaska National Guard and Naval Militia Retirement System
Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD): The Alaska PFD is a monetary fund that pays dividends annually to legal Alaska residents. The amount of the 2024 dividend is $1,702 per person. The Permanent Fund Dividend application season is January 1st through March 31st each year. Applications are only available during application season.
Who is eligible for the Alaska PFD? To be eligible for a PFD, applicants must have been an Alaska resident for the entire calendar year prior to the date of application and must intend to remain an Alaska resident indefinitely. For a complete list of PFD eligibility requirements please see Alaska Statute 43.23. Applicants should apply at the Alaska Department of Revenue, PFD Online Application webpage. For more information, please contact the Alaska PFD Division.
Alaska PFD Division Contact Information
Alaska Department of Revenue, PFD Tax Information Webpage
Active Duty Service Member PFD Residency Information
Alaska PFD Frequently Asked Questions
Learn more about the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend
Recording of Alaska Veteran’s Report of Separation Documents: A Veteran may record, free, the original or a certified copy of their U.S. Armed Forces Report of Separation (DD214, DD215, NGB Form 22 or DA Form 1569) at any Alaska Department of Natural Resources State Recorder's office.
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Recorder’s Office Directory
Learn more about Recording of Alaska Veteran’s Report of Separation Documents
Obtaining Copies of Alaska Veterans Report of Separation and other Personnel Records: The Alaska Veterans Affairs Office has copies of DD214s for resident service members who served in the U.S. Armed Forces from 1985 to the present. Veterans will be provided with copies upon request. These records will be maintained for 50 years from the date of receipt. If a Veteran’s records cannot be found they can be requested from the National Personnel Records Center. To request copies, Veterans should contact the Alaska Office of Veterans affairs at 907-334-0874 or 888-248-3682.
Free Copies of Alaska Veteran’s Death Certificate: The Alaska Health Analytics and Vital Records Section will issue up to four free copies of the death certificate of Veterans who die in Alaska. The Veteran must be an Alaska resident and meet one of the following requirements to be eligible:
- Serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at the time of their death
- Served in an active or reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces and received an Honorable or General Discharge
The following individuals can request death certificates:
- Representative of the Veteran’s estate
- Trustee of a revocable trust of a Veteran
- Requires a copy of the death certificate to prove eligibility for a benefit relating to the death of the Veteran
To request a Veteran’s death certificates please submit the Alaska Veterans Death Certificate Request Form. Documentation requirements and submission instructions are on the form.
Alaska Health Analytics and Vital Records Section Webpage
Learn more about Free Copies of Alaska Veteran’s Death Certificate
Alaska Veteran’s Land Discount: The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) offers Alaska resident Veterans a once-in-a lifetime discount on the purchase of state land. The discount is 25% of the purchase price but does not apply to certain costs the DNR may have incurred to develop the land for sale. Alaska Statutes 38.05.940
Who is eligible for the Alaska Veteran’s Land Discount? To be eligible for the Veteran’s Land Discount, Veterans must meet the following requirements:
- 18 or older on the date of bid or application
- Alaska resident for at least one year prior to bid or application
- Served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces or the Alaska Territorial Guard for at least 90 days, unless released early due to a service-connected disability, or due to receiving an early separation after a tour of duty overseas
- Received an Honorable Discharge or General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions
Service members who have not yet received a DD214 are not yet eligible for this discount.
Veterans must submit proof of eligibility only after it is requested by the DNR. Veterans will be given a deadline when documentation must be submitted.
Documentation requirements:
- A DD214 (Report of Separation from Active Duty) showing the qualifying length of active duty service and character of the discharge
- Proof of Alaska residency
- Notarized Veteran Eligibility Application/Affidavit
Veterans are encouraged to request their DD214 and gather any other required documentation well in advance of the auction.
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Current Land Offerings
Learn more about the Alaska Veteran's Land Discount
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) State Veterans Mortgage Program and Interest Rate Preference: AHFC offers home financing at lower interest rates for service members and Veterans through the Veterans Mortgage Program. Loans are generally processed rapidly, require little to no down payment, and often include a lower interest rate.
Qualified Veterans may combine State Veterans Interest Rate Preference with most Alaska Single-Family Loan Programs. Eligible applicants will receive a 1% interest rate reduction that is applied to the first $50,000 of the loan amount. Eligible applicants family income cannot exceed Alaska State Veterans Preference Income Limits.
AHFC State Veterans Interest Rate Preference
Who is eligible for the AHFC State Veterans Interest Rate Preference? To be eligible, applicants must meet one of the following requirements:
- Service members who have completed their initial military obligation and continue to serve
- Veterans who served at least 90 days on active duty (other than for training) in the U.S. Armed Forces and received a discharge other than dishonorable*
- Former reserve component service members who served for at least five years and received an honorable discharge
- Surviving spouse of an eligible Veteran
*Veterans must apply within 25 years of their discharge date.
For more information or to apply, please contact an AHFC Loan Program Approved Lender.
Alaska Veterans Memorial Museum: The Alaska Veterans Memorial Museum in Anchorage focuses on honoring Veterans for the sacrifices they made to defend America's freedom. Their mission is to:
- Create a museum for the inspiration, remembrance, and preservation of the memory of Veterans and of their sacrifices for America’s freedom
- Educate the public through the collection, presentation, and exhibition of artifacts, personal accounts and historical acts relating to the history of Veterans
- Promote activities that will enhance or support the purpose of the museum
- Support Alaska Veterans, active duty, National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserve service members
Learn more about the Alaska Veterans Memorial Museum
Alaska Veterans and Pioneers Home: The Alaska Veterans and Pioneers Home offers affordable long-term care to Veterans in a compassionate home like environment that promotes independence, positive relationships, meaningful activities as well as physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.
Services provided:
- Meal preparation
- Dietary assessment and medically prescribed diets
- Laundry and housekeeping services
- Emergency call systems/assistance
- Assistance with activities of daily living such as eating, bathing, dressing, etc.
- Assistance with medications
- Health assessment
- Nursing services
- Recreational opportunities and programs
- Social work services
- Opportunities for spiritual devotion
- Care during periods of illness not requiring hospitalization
- Care especially for those with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia
- Pharmacy services
Alaska Veterans and Pioneers Home
250 E. Fireweed Avenue
Palmer, AK 99645
Phone: 907-745-4241
Alaska Pioneer Homes, About our Homes
Who is eligible for care at the Alaska Veterans and Pioneers Home? To be eligible for admission to the Alaska Veterans and Pioneers Home Veterans must meet the following requirements:
- Alaska Resident for one continuous year prior to application
- Require nursing care
- 60 years old or older
- Veteran who served in the U.S. Armed Force, the Alaska National Guard, or Territorial Guard and received a discharge other than dishonorable
Applying to an Alaska Pioneer Home places the applicant on a waitlist. There is no cost to apply, no obligation to move-in, and no time limit on remaining on the waitlist. Veterans can start the application process by submitting the online Alaska Pioneer Homes Waitlist Application , or they can submit one of the following hardcopy applications:
- Active Waitlist Application * - For applicants ready to enter a Pioneer Home of their choice within 30 days of receiving admissions offer
- Inactive Waitlist Application * - For applicants interested in moving into a Pioneer Home at some point in the future
*Veterans applying by hardcopy must ensure they submit the Alaska Veterans and Pioneers Home, Veterans' Addendum. Veterans can submit a hardcopy application by mail, fax, or by using the Alaska Pioneer Homes Waitlist Application Secure File Upload.
Division of Alaska Pioneer Homes
PO Box 110690
Juneau, AK 99811-0690
Fax: 907-465-4108
For more information, please call Phone: 888-355-3117, 907-465-4416, or email
Alaska Pioneers Homes, Admission Webpage
Alaska Pioneer Homes, Admission and Discharge Booklet
Alaska Pioneer Homes, Waitlist Application Instructions
Learn more about the Alaska Veterans and Pioneers Home
Alaska Governor's Veterans Advocacy Award: The Alaska Governor’s Veterans Advocacy Award is awarded to Alaska residents who have engaged in unpaid, voluntary activities dedicated to Veterans, Veterans issues, or Veterans organizations. Nominees must have provided one of the following:
- Significant service to Veterans and their families
- Extraordinary personal concern, compassion, and commitment to Veterans issues
- Veterans’ organization support
- Created or participated in a new, innovative, or creative volunteer program, event, or project for Veterans
Nominations for recipients may be made by providing the following information to the Alaska Office of Veterans Affairs:
- Nominee - Name, occupation, address, and phone number (on the top of the narrative summary)
- Nominator - Name, address, telephone number, email, organization, and signature on the bottom of the narrative
- Narrative - Brief narrative summary of nominee's efforts and accomplishments for Veterans (no more than two-page double spaced)
Learn more about the Alaska Governor's Veterans Advocacy Award
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in Alaska
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in Alaska: The VA has numerous resources available for Veterans and family members. Please see the local location listing for your nearest facility.
Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in Alaska
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemeteries in Alaska: The VA National Cemetery Administration maintains two national cemeteries in Alaska. Please see the local location listing for the nearest cemetery.
Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemeteries in Alaska
Alaska Office of Veterans Affairs
4600 DeBarr Road, Suite 180
Anchorage, AK 99508
Phone: 907-334-0874 / 888-248-3682
Fax: 907-334-0869
Learn more about the Alaska Office of Veterans Affairs
Military Installations and Veterans Affairs Facilities in Alaska
Please see the Alaska Military Resource Locator for additional information
Active Duty:
Fort Greely
Fort Wainwright
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson
Air Force
Eielson AFB
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson
National Guard:
Alaska National Guard
Alaska Air National Guard
176 th Wing
U.S. Army Reserve (USAR):
63 rd Readiness Division
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Retirement and Benefits
Alaska Department of Administration Personnel
Alaska Division of Employment and Training Services, Veterans Services
Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles, Military and Veteran Licensing Services
Alaska Department of Revenue - Tax Division
Alaska Office of Veterans Affairs
U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Veterans' Preference
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Facility Directory Alaska
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Find Locations Search Engine
Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission, Alaska
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Service Organization Directory