The Army has ended the Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA) program. Service members eligible for TERA must have submitted a request through their chain of command by January 15, 2018 for early retirement consideration. The authority to approve TERA was terminated on February 28, 2018.
The authority to utilize TERA until December 31, 2025 is for force-shaping of active military forces. So while the use of TERA is still authorized, the conditions for its use are not applicable at the present time.
The FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Public Law 112-81, enacted 31 December 2011, authorized the military services to offer early retirement to Service members who have completed at least 15 years of active service. This is a discretionary authority and not an entitlement. The Army has elected to use this limited program as part of a comprehensive force management strategy to shape the force. It does not apply to Service members of the Army National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve.
- Regular Army: Active Duty
- Regular Army: Retired
- Army National Guard: Active Duty Under Title 10 USC or Title 32 USC (Full-Time National Guard Duty)
- Army National Guard: State Active Duty
- Army National Guard: Drilling
- Army National Guard: Retired
- Army Reserve: Active Duty
- Army Reserve: Drilling
- Army Reserve: Retired
Benefit News
Unlock Your Health Through the MHS Nurse Advice Line
FALLS CHURCH, VA, January 16, 2025 - Do you know what to do when you or a family member feels sick, but it’s outside of business hours or it’s the weekend? Should you go to an urgent care clinic or the emergency room, or wait until your doctor’s office is open? Luckily, TRICARE has a service called the Military Health System Nurse Advice Line that can help when you need healthcare guidance.
Check Out the Updated TRICARE Publications Suite
FALLS CHURCH, VA, January 14, 2025 - Are you looking for the latest details about your TRICARE health plan? You’re in luck! TRICARE has updated its entire publications suite with the latest information about your health plan. The new publications now include current details like how to find your TRICARE region, how to contact your regional contractor, and what you’ll pay for care. These updates make it easier to understand and use your TRICARE benefit.