The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Caregiver Support Program (CSP) offers clinical services to caregivers of eligible and covered veterans enrolled in the VA health care system. CSP is a national program with local offices and teams located within VA facilities. The program’s mission is to promote the health and well-being of family caregivers who care for our Nation’s Veterans, through education, resources, support, and services. The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) helps the families and veterans injured during all eras.
The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Caregiver Support Program (CSP) also carries out its mission through the Program of General Caregiver Support Services (PGCSS). PGCSS provides peer support mentoring, skills training, coaching, telephone support, online programs, and referrals to available resources to caregivers of veterans. The veteran must be enrolled in Veterans Affairs (VA) health care and be receiving care from a caregiver in order for the caregiver to participate. Caregivers who participate in PGCSS are called General Caregivers. General Caregivers do not need to be a relative or live with the veteran.
For more information call the Caregiver Support Line toll free at 1-855-260-3274.
- Regular Army: Active Duty
- Regular Army: Retired
- Army National Guard: Active Duty Under Title 10 USC or Title 32 USC (Full-Time National Guard Duty)
- Army National Guard: State Active Duty
- Army National Guard: Drilling
- Army National Guard: Retired
- Army Reserve: Active Duty
- Army Reserve: Drilling
- Army Reserve: Retired
Benefit News
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