TRICARE Special Programs

Army Reserve: Retired

Benefit Fact Sheet

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TRICARE offers Special Programs for certain health conditions, populations, or concerns. Some Special Programs:

  • Have specific eligibility requirements based on your plan, beneficiary category, or status

  • Are for specific beneficiary populations while others offer services for specific health conditions

  • Are limited to a certain number of participants or to a certain geographic location.  


TRICARE Special Programs have specific eligibility requirements based on your plan, beneficiary category, or status.

Benefit Highlights

Combat-Related Disability Travel (CRDT) Benefit
If you have to travel more than 100 miles for specialty care related to your Combat-Related disability, the Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) travel benefit reimburses your travel expenses.

You may qualify for the CRSC travel benefit if you:

  • Are a retired service member

  • Were awarded a Combat-Related Special Compensation

To qualify, you must:

  • Recieve retired retainer or equivalent pay

  • Be awarded a CRSC determination letter from your service’s CRSC Board identifying your Combat-Related disability or disabilities

  • Live in the United States

  • Be covered by TRICARE Select or TRICARE for Life

  • Get a referral from your provider for specialty care related to the Combat-Related disability

  • Travel more than 100 miles from your referring provider's office to get the care

Note: If you are enrolled in TRICARE Prime or the US Family Health Plan, you qualify for the TRICARE Prime Travel Benefit, so you will not qualify for the CRSC Travel Benefit.

Only costs for actual travel expenses such as lodging, fuel (rather than mileage), meals, parking, tolls or other costs associated with getting the specialty care.

  • You must use the least costly mode of transportation

Additional Information
Document Review Date: 26 March 2025