Benefit Fact Sheet
In 2018, TRICARE Select replaced TRICARE Standard and Extra. TRICARE Select is a self-managed, preferred provider, and fee-for-service health care plan available in the United States to:
Active duty family members
Retired Service members and their families
Family members of activated Guard / Reserve members (called or ordered to active duty service for more than 30 days in a row)
Non-activated Guard / Reserve members and their families who qualify for care under the Transitional Assistance Management Program
Retired Guard / Reserve members at age 60 and their families
Medal of Honor recipients and their families
Qualified former spouses
Those wishing to use TRICARE Select must show eligibility in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) and enrollment is required.
TRICARE DEERS Information webpage
TRICARE Select Enrollment Page
DFAS will provide IRS Form 1095-C to all U.S. military members, and IRS Form 1095-B to all Retirees, Annuitants, former spouses and all other individuals having TRICARE coverage during all or any portion of tax year 2024. An IRS Form 1095 documents you (and your family members, if applicable) have the minimum essential coverage. These forms will document the information that DFAS will provide to the IRS on yourself and your authorized family members. According to the IRS, these forms are not required to prepare or file income tax returns but will be available via myPay no later than 31 January 2025.
Retired Army National Guard Service members are eligible for TRICARE Select at age 60. Enrollment is required for family members - spouses, survivors, and unmarried children.
Members of the retired reserve of a Reserve Component who are qualified for non-regular retirement under 10 U.S.C., Chapter 1223 and under age 60 are eligible for TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR).
TRICARE Select allows you to schedule an appointment with any TRICARE-authorized provider* Referrals not required, but you may need prior authorization from your regional contractor for some services. You will not receive a TRICARE wallet card when using TRICARE Select. All you need is your military ID as proof of coverage.
*An authorized provider is any individual, institution/organization, or supplier that is licensed by a state, accredited by national organization, or meets other standards of the medical community, and is certified to provide benefits under TRICARE. There are two types of TRICARE-authorized providers: Network and Non-Network.
Cost you will pay: Costs vary based on the sponsor's military status. You will pay:
An annual outpatient deductible; and
Cost shares (or percentage) for covered services.
As of January 1, 2018, you will fall into one of two categories based on when your sponsor became affiliated with the Uniformed Services, either through enlistment or appointment:
If your sponsor’s initial enlistment or appointment occurred before January 1, 2018, you are in Group A
If your sponsor’s initial enlistment or appointment occurred on or after January 1, 2018, you are in Group B
Group A and Group B have different enrollment fees and out-of-pocket costs.
TRICARE Health Plans, Cost Comparison Tool
Enrollment Fee
Group A: $181.92 per year for individuals / $364.92 per year for family
Group B: $579 per year for individuals / $1,158.96 per year for family
Enrollment: You must enroll in order to participate in the TRICARE Select health plan. You can only enroll in or change enrollment after a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) or during the annual fall TRICARE Open Season. However, you can purchase premium-based plans (TRICARE Reserve Select, TRICARE Retired Reserve, TRICARE Young Adult, and the Continued Health Care Benefit Program) at any time.
A QLE is a certain change in your life, such as marriage, birth of a child, or retirement from active duty, which may mean different TRICARE options are available to you. A QLE opens a 90-day period for you to make eligible enrollment changes.
If you want to enroll in or change your plan, you must:
Make the enrollment changes within 90 days following the QLE
Pay any enrollment fees or premiums due during that period
A QLE for one family member means all family members may make enrollment changes. To learn more, visit the TRICARE Qualifying Life Event webpage.
If you have TRICARE Select, you must pay enrollment fees, unless you are:
An active duty family member
A transitional * Survivor
In Group A
*Survivors: TRICARE continues to provide coverage for Family members when a sponsor dies. Family member health plan options and costs will vary based on:
The sponsor's military status when the service member dies
If the surviving family member is a spouse or child
The scenarios below provide an overview of survivor coverage. Spouses remain eligible unless they remarry.
Getting Care with TRICARE Select: With TRICARE Select, you can get care from any TRICARE-authorized network provider without a referral, but you may need prior authorization from your regional contractor for some services.
To find a TRICARE network provider, go to the TRICARE Find a Doctor Wizard or call your regional contractor:
East—Humana Military: 1-800-444-5445
West—Health Net: 1-844-866-9378
For more information, please visit the TRICARE Select webpage maintained by the TRICARE Management Activity:
TRICARE Select Enrollment Information:
TRICARE Select Enrollment, Disenrollment, and Change Forms:
East – Humana Military Enrollment form (DD3043-1):
West – Health Net Enrollment Form (DD3043-2):
Overseas – Enrollment Form (DD3043-3):
TRICARE DEERS Information:
TRICARE Publications:
TRICARE Plans Overview Fact Sheet:
TRICARE Choices in the United States Handbook: