The Post-9/11 GI Bill (chapter 33 benefits) is an education benefit program specifically for military members who served on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. Depending on an individual's situation, provisions of the program may include coverage of tuition and fees, a monthly housing allowance, a books and supplies stipend, Yellow Ribbon payments, college fund, rural benefit payments and transferability to eligible immediate family members (spouse and children).
In 2017 the President signed into law the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act also known as the “Forever GI Bill,” which brought significant changes to Veterans education benefits. The law allowed more Veterans to use the GI Bill and more time to use it.
You may qualify for additional entitlement under more than one education benefit
If you have two or more qualifying periods of active duty, you may now qualify for up to 48 months of entitlement. You must be eligible for benefits through the Post-9/11 GI Bill and either Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty (MGIB-AD) or Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR).
Note: Even if you gave up your right to use MGIB-AD or MGIB-SR benefits in the past (we call this “relinquishing” your benefits), you may now qualify to use some of that entitlement.
To find out if you can use more than one education benefit, please visit:
- Regular Army: Active Duty
- Regular Army: Retired
- Army National Guard: Active Duty Under Title 10 USC or Title 32 USC (Full-Time National Guard Duty)
- Army National Guard: State Active Duty
- Army National Guard: Drilling
- Army National Guard: Retired
- Army Reserve: Active Duty
- Army Reserve: Drilling
- Army Reserve: Retired
Benefit News
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