The Army’s My Service Benefits (MSB) Program falls under the Army G-1 Retirement Services Office in Arlington, Virginia. The purpose of the MSB Program is to provide military benefits information via websites, customized reports, and financial planning calculators for Service Members, Survivors, Veterans and their Families.
Functions provided by the My Service Benefits program include:
- Personalized Online Survivor Benefits Reports to Survivors of all DOD Service Members and U.S. Coast Guardsmen who die while on active duty.
- Comprehensive military benefits information on service-specific benefits websites such as MyArmyBenefits and MyAirForceBenefits, and any future websites tailored to the other Military Services.
- Military benefits and financial planning calculators for all the services.
The program recently transitioned calculator services from an external licensed product to a government-owned set of applications operating within the My Service Benefits system. The new calculators will deploy in December 2024.