Benefit Fact Sheet
The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) provides information, resources, and tools to service members and their loved ones to help prepare for the move from military to civilian life. Service members begin TAP one year prior to separation, or two years prior to retiring.
The VA portion of TAP is a one-day, in-person course called VA Benefits and Services. Led by VA Benefits Advisors, the course helps you understand how to navigate VA and the benefits and services you have earned through your military career. The course offers interactive exercises, real examples, and covers topics important to you like Family support, disability compensation, education, and health care benefits.
Service members will also receive an orientation of VA Health Care.
NOTE: Spouses and Family members are permitted and encouraged to attend any or all of the briefings with the Service member.
All retired Army Reserve Soldiers are eligible to attend the VA Benefits Briefings on a space-available basis.
The VA Benefits and Services consists of six modules:
- Module 1: Navigating Your Journey
- Your Transition Journey
- Module 2: Maintaining Your Health
- VA Whole Health
- VA Health Care Facilities
- VA Health Care Services
- VA Mental Health Care Services
- Health Care Tools
- VA Health Care Access
- Module 3: Applying for Disability Compensation
- Service-connected Disabilities
- Filling a Disability Claim
- Education Benefits for Survivors
- Module 4: Getting Career Ready
- Personalized Career Planning and Guidance (PCPG)
- Post-9/11 GI Bill
- Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB)
- On-Campus Support Programs
- Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
- Veteran Employment Services Office (VESO) Programs
- Additional Employment Resources
- Module 5: Finding a Place to Live and Community Resources
- VA Home Loan Benefit
- VA Home Loan Guaranty Program
- Specially Adapted Housing Grants for Veterans and Service members with certain service-connected disabilities
- Protecting Your Home
- Community Support for Veterans
- Personal Decision Influences
- VA Facility Locators
- Homeless Veterans Support
- Information for Your State
- Military OneSource
- National Resource Directory (NRD)
- State Veterans Affairs Offices
- Personal Resources for Ongoing Support
- Module 6: Course Capstone
- Key VA Resources, Resources and Benefits
- Personal Goals Checklist
- VA Home Loan Benefit
Your Army TAP Center will help you identify availability of the VA Benefits and Services.
The following links are provided for more information about the VA Benefits and Services:
VA Benefits and Services information page:
VA Health Care web portal:
Army TAP Homepage:
DoD TAP Program:
DoD TAP Curriculum:
VA TAP Curriculum online:
VA Benefits and Services Participant Guide (Active Duty):
The following links are provided for further reference:
Department of Labor Transition Assistance:
MyArmyBenefits - Army Transition Assistance Program Fact Sheet:
Online resource for Americans with disabilities:
Federal Civil Service job websites:
USAJOBS website:
Army Civilian Personnel homepage: