Tuition Assistance (TA)

Army National Guard: State Active Duty

Benefit Fact Sheet

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The Tuition Assistance (TA) Program provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty civilian education programs in support of a Soldier's professional and personal self-development goals. TA is a Public Law that is implemented by Department of Defense (DoD) Directive and DoD Instruction, and all Soldiers (officers, warrant officers, enlisted) on active duty, Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers on active duty (pursuant to U.S. Code Title 10 or Title 32), and TPU Soldiers are authorized to participate in the TA program.

On December 11, 2024, the Army released ALARACT 099/2024 (Changes to Voluntary Education Policy) to announce the following policy updates to the TA Program:

  • Annual cap increased from $4,000 to $4,500
  • Semester hours increased from 16 to 18
  • Require Soldiers who are first time users of TA to take ArmyIgnitED training prior to requesting TA
  • Require Soldiers to use the decision support tool prior to requesting TA.

Army National Guard Soldiers on state active duty are not eligible for Tuition Assistance (TA).

Army National Guard Soldiers can use the Army National Guard Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA). To apply for FTA go to

Additional Information
Document Review Date: 13 February 2025