Special Leave Accrual (SLA)

Army National Guard: Active Duty Under Title 10 USC or Title 32 USC (Full-Time National Guard Duty)

Benefit Fact Sheet

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Special Leave Accrual (SLA) allows Service members serving in hostile fire / imminent danger (HFP/IDP) areas for a continuous period of at least 120 days to accumulate and retain up to 90 days of leave (60 days of ordinary leave, plus 30 days of SLA-protected leave). The intent of SLA is to provide relief to Service members not allowed leave during lengthy deployments or during periods of hostility.

Effective January 1, 2023: The SLA maximum leave CAP was reduced from 120 to 90 days, and Service members have two fiscal years (vice three) to use the excess leave above 60 days. The end of fiscal year 2023 (September 30, 2023) was the first point at which the 90 days applied. Service members who had a current SLA balance over 60 days fell into one of two categories, which was determined by their overall SLA leave balance as of December 31, 2022. Currently, Service members who have SLA leave balance at 90.5 days and have their SLA expiration date between FY25 to FY26 will have their leave restored to the original balance.

Category 1: Service members who have SLA leave balance of 90 days or below on September 30, 2024.

  • Will have a new SLA cap of 90 days applied to their SLA leave balances in FY25
  • Any excess leave above 90 days will be forfeited by September 30, 2024

Category 2: Service members who have SLA leave balance of 90.5 days or above on September 30, 2024.

  • Normal 120 day cap applies
  • Service members’ original SLA expiration date will stay the same
  • When the Service member’s balance decreases to 90 days or below, between FY24 to FY26, the Service member will be moved to category 1, and the 90 day cap applied going forward

One-Time Leave Payment. An enlisted Service member of the Armed Forces who would lose accumulated leave in excess of the 90 days may elect to be paid a lump sum payment of up to 30 days of forfeited leave. This election can only be taken once during a career. This leave payment does apply against the 60 days of leave paid during a career.


SLA is authorized to Service members serving at least 120 continuous days in HFP/IDP areas. No additional criteria are required under this area soldiers walking to a chinook helicopter in the dessert for approval. Also, Service members assigned to a designated deployable ship, designated mobile unit, or other similar prescribed duty may be authorized SLA if operational requirements prevented use of leave.

Service members who meet all the following conditions may also qualify for special leave accrual:

  • Deployed for a lengthy period, normally 60 or more days

  • Deployed to meet a contingency operation of the United States

  • Deployed to enforce national policy or an international agreement based on a national emergency or in the need to defend national security

  • Prevented from using leave through the end of the FY because of deployment.

Service members may continue to qualify for the 120-day requirement for up to 90 days when hospitalized outside of the hostile fire area. Qualification is based on continued eligibility for hostile fire or imminent danger pay.

Benefit Highlights

SLA authorizes Service members to carry forward up to 90 days of leave at the end of a FY (60 days normal leave plus 30 days special leave), if the leave was earned before or during a qualifying deployment. Leave earned after return from deployment is not SLA protected. DFAS will note number of days protected and the expiration date in the Remarks section of the Service member’s LES. These days are part of, not in addition to, the Soldier’s current leave balance (CR Bal).

Active duty members who serve in an OCONUS duty assignment in support of a contingency operation may also be authorized to accumulate annual leave in excess of 60.

SLA protection ends either on the expiration date or when the Service member's current leave balance (Cr Bal) drops to 60 days or less. SLA days cannot be sold, and must be used before their expiration date.missle being fired from a vehicle

SLA earned in HFP/IDP areas (theater) is automatically coded as SLA leave by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) if Service members are in receipt of Hostile Fire/Imminent Danger Pay.

Caution: Service members maintaining a maximum leave balance risk losing leave if the operational situation prevents them from using leave before the end of the fiscal year. Each Service member has an individual responsibility to monitor and manage their leave.

Note: SLA parameters are based on statutory law, not Army policy.

Requesting Special Leave Accrual

SLA requests based on a qualifying deployment, and therefore not requiring an exception to policy, are submitted by the S1 through the supporting Defense Military Pay Office (DMPO) to DFAS-Indianapolis.

SLA requests based on a hospitalization of 120 or more consecutive days are submitted by the Military Treatment Facility Commander through the supporting DMPO to DFAS-Indianapolis.

SLA requests not based on a qualifying deployment or lengthy hospitalization and, therefore, requiring an exception to policy, must be submitted through the G1 (general officer signature required) to HQDA DCS-G1 (DAPE-PRC).

Additional Information

Army Regulation 600-8-10, Leaves and Passes:

Army HRC Leaves and Passes Homepage:

DoD Instruction NUMBER 1327.06 regarding Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures including Special Leave Accrual:

DoD 7000.14-R, "Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRs)," Volume 7A, "Military Pay Policy - Active Duty and Reserve Pay”:

Special Leave Accrual (SLA) and Use/Lose Leave Balances:

Volume 7A, Chapter 35: “Separation Payments”:

Document Review Date: 22 November 2024