Military Parental Leave Program (MPLP)

Army Reserve: Retired

Benefit Fact Sheet

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The Military Parental Leave Program (MPLP) provides non-chargeable leave entitlements following the birth or adoption of a child. The policy applies to covered soldiers who are birth Mothers or Fathers, same-sex couples, as well as adoptive and surrogate parents.

On January 4, 2023, the Department of Defense released DTM 23-001 (Expansion of the Military Parental Leave Program).

The expansion provides parental leave to active and reserve component service members (on active duty for 12 months or more) who have given birth, adopted a child or had a child placed for adoption or long-term foster care with them. Birth parents will be granted 12 weeks of parental leave following a period of convalescent leave and non-birth parents will be granted 12 weeks of leave following the birth of their child. Adoptive parents and eligible foster parents will also be granted 12 weeks of parental leave. The MPLP is designed to allow members to care for their children while balancing the needs of their unit.

The leave can be taken by both birth and non-birth parents and must be administered in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in the DTM. The expansion of the MPLP, which applies to all eligible service members as of January 4, 2023, takes precedence over previous DoD issuances and service regulations.


Retired service members are not eligible for Military Parental Leave Program benefits.

Additional Information

Directive Type Memorandum 23-001: 23-001.PDF

Department of Defense Instruction 1327.06:

Army Directive 2022-06 (Parenthood, Pregnancy, and Postpartum): 

Army Regulation 600-8-10 (Leaves and Passes):

The Army Military Parental Leave Program (MPLP) Frequently Asked Questions:

SecArmy Memo, Clarifying Guidance on Maternity Convalescent Leave Following Childbirth and Military Parental Leave (2 June 2023):

Document Review Date: 30 January 2025