Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP)

Regular Army: Active Duty

Benefit Fact Sheet

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Soldiers who perform hazardous duties such as flying duty, parachute jumping, demolition of explosives, or toxic fuels handling may be entitled to Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP).


HDIP for Flying Duty: Soldiers under competent orders to participate in regular and frequent aerial flights as crew or non-crew members may be entitled to HDIP for flying duty. Officers, including aviation cadets, entitled to Aviation Career Incentive Pay (ACIP) are not entitled to HDIP for flying duty.Soldiers loading ammunition

HDIP for Hazardous Duty Other Than Aerial Flights: Soldiers under competent orders to perform any of the hazardous duties listed below may be entitled to HDIP:

  • Duty involving parachute jumping as an essential part of military duty

  • Duty involving frequent and regular participation in flight operation on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier or ship other than aircraft carrier from which aircraft are launched

  • Duty involving the demolition of explosives as a primary duty, including training for such duty

  • Duty inside a high- or low-pressure chamber

  • Duty as a human acceleration or deceleration experimental subject

  • Duty as a human test subject in thermal stress experiments

  • Duty involving the servicing of aircraft or missiles with highly toxic fuels or propellants

  • Duty involving fumigation tasks utilizing highly toxic pesticides

  • Duty involving laboratory work utilizing live dangerous viruses or bacteria

  • Duty involving handling of chemical munitions

  • Duty involving maritime visit, board, search, and seizure operations

  • Duty involving use of ski-equipped aircraft on the ground in Antarctica or on the Arctic Ice Pack

Special Situations: A soldier entitled to HDIP, who is hospitalized for a wound or injury incurred as a result of hostile action, incurs a wound, injury or illness in a combat operation or combat zone designated by the Secretary of Defense and is hospitalized outside of the theater for treatment is entitled to HDIP for 12 months.

Benefit Highlights

HDIP for Flying Duty: Soldiers who perform flight duties as aircrew members and meet their operational requirements are eligible for flying duty HDIP, also known as Flight Pay. HDIP for aircrew members may not exceed $250 per month. HDIP for non-aircrew members is $150 per month.

HDIP for Hazardous Duty Other Than Aerial Flights: Soldiers who perform hazardous duties such as parachute jumping, demolition of explosives, or toxic fuels handling are eligible for HDIP at a rate of $150 per month. Soldiers performing High-Altitude, Low Opening parachute duty are eligible for $225 per month HDIP.

Dual HDIP Eligibility: Soldiers who meet the requirements for more than one type of hazardous duty pay during the same period are entitled to receive a maximum of two types of hazardous duty pay. To be eligible for dual HDIP, the soldier must be assigned to a unit whose mission involves the performance of both types of hazardous duties.

Hazardous-duty pay is subject to federal income taxes unless received in a combat zone.

Additional Information

For more information regarding flying duty HDIP, please refer to:

Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP):

DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Chapter 24: “Incentive Pay - Hazardous Duty Other Than Aerial Flights”:

For additional information on possible changes to this benefit as a Wounded Warrior, please visit the Wounded Warrior Pay section of the Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) website at:

Document Review Date: 08 April 2024