Benefit Fact Sheet
The Army's Financial Readiness Program (FRP) is available at every installation. Army Community Service (ACS) FRP teaches Soldiers in both classroom training & individual counseling sessions, how to save and invest their money, how to establish savings goals, debt elimination strategies, and saving for emergencies. Through partnerships with non-profit corporations, many of these tools and resources are provided online for those geographically separated from an ACS office. Contact your local installation ACS center or Family Service Center for more information.
Army active duty Soldiers and their authorized Family members are eligible for Financial Readiness services offered by ACS.
Prevention Education: Classes are provided in personal financial management readiness and consumer affairs to Soldiers and Family members. These classes include:
Banking and credit union services
Budget development and record-keeping
Credit, (for example, use and abuse of credit, right to obtain credit regardless of sex, race, age, marital status or national origin, and credit cards)
Consumer rights and obligations
Personal financial readiness to include, the military pay system, entitlements, and how to read Leave and Earnings Statements, wartime pay
systems, and the Sure-Pay Program; checkbook management; financial counseling resources and procedures; Soldier's financial responsibility to themselves, Family members and creditors; financial planning for Family separations; short notice deployments; extended absence financial plan; and permanent change of station moves
Instruction and information materials that assist Soldiers and Families with critical life stages impacting personal finances (for example, marriage, parenthood, college, and retirement)
Mandatory Training:
Refresher classes will be conducted for personnel who have abused and misused check-cashing privileges
Financial planning classes and counseling are conducted for all junior enlisted Soldiers (E-4 and below) who are scheduled for their initial PCS move
Support is provided to unit commanders in establishing personal financial management readiness training for first term/initial term Soldiers
Financial Counseling Services: These counseling services are provided for Soldiers and Family members in areas such as budget development and financial planning, developing a spending plan, managing personal finances, and evaluating assets and liabilities
Prescreening and Counseling for the Family Subsistence Supplemental Assistance Program: Soldiers are pre-screened to determine Family Subsistence Supplemental Assistance (FSSA) Program eligibility. Pre-screening will consist of reviewing paperwork, assisting Soldiers in completing application, estimating amount of FSSA, and assisting certifying officers.
Debt Liquidation Assistance: Assist commanders, Soldiers, and Family members with problems of financial indebtedness, the following debt liquidation assistance will be provided:
Facilitate resolution of financial crisis by-
Assisting clients in analyzing their assets and liabilities and enrolling them in a debt liquidation program, if appropriate
Assisting clients in developing a repayment plan to liquidate debts
Assisting clients in contacting their creditors
Notifying each enrollee's creditors by mail that they are enrolled in the debt liquidation program.
Follow clients through counseling until the following occurs-
Client's debts are liquidated
Counselor is assured that client can manage independently
Client withdraws from the program
Assist client in transferring to debt liquidation program at new duty station
Consumer Advocacy Service:
Information is provided to help Soldiers and Family members make educated decisions
Feedback is provided to commanders on consumer issues affecting Soldiers and Families
Consumer Complaint Resolution: Soldiers and Family members will be assisted in handling consumer complaints. The following services will be provided:
Information on resolving consumer complaints, consumer rights, and protection laws
Referral to military and civilian resources responsible for resolving complaints
Coordination with Staff Judge Advocate, Inspector General, and Armed Forces Disciplinary Board on issues requiring their assistance
Assistance to clients in drafting consumer complaint letters, and contacting agencies and businesses in reference to consumer issues
Publicizing agencies and businesses that employ unfair business practices in accordance with AR 190-24
Feedback will be provided to commanders on recurring consumer problem areas affecting Soldiers and Family members
Emergency Assistance: Soldiers and Families will be provided emergency assistance to help prevent privation. This assistance will include:
Consideration of Army Emergency Relief loans and grants for eligible individuals
The procurement, storage and handling of food locker items, for distribution as warranted
Classes or Seminars for Youth and Teens: Upon request, provide age appropriate classes or seminars to youth and teens as part of their school age or youth education classes, or activities at installation youth or Child development facilities.
For more information, finance calculators, online training, and other tools see the Financial Readiness website maintained by Army MWR:
More information can be found in Ch 4 Section V of AR 608-1, Army Community Service:
For the location of the Finance Readiness office on local Army Installations, check the Military Resource Locator library on MyArmyBenefits:
Financial Frontline: