Continuation Pay

Army National Guard: Drilling

Benefit Fact Sheet

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Continuation pay is a direct cash payout, like a bonus, available to service members enrolled in the Blended Retirement System (BRS). It is targeted at the mid-career mark, payable between completion of eight years of service, but before completion of 12 years of service (calculated from a service member's Pay Entry Base Date). Most service members will be eligible for continuation pay, but the timing and the amount is determined by your service.


This one-time payout is available to Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Service members enrolled in the Blended Retirement System (BRS) who can enter into anpicture of 100 dollar bills agreement to perform additional obligated service. This one-time bonus payment is in addition to any other career field specific incentives or retention bonuses.

Benefit Highlights


Active duty service members (including Active Guard Reserve (AGR)/Full Time Support (FTS)) personnel may be eligible for a continuation pay multiplier of 2.5 to 13 times your monthly basic pay. Members of the National Guard or Reserve in a drilling status may be eligible to receive a multiplier of 0.5 to six times their monthly basic pay (as if serving on active-duty).

Pay Rates solidiers in an aircraft

Pay-rate multipliers may be based on service-specific retention needs, specialty skills and hard-to-fill positions, similar to career field incentives and re-enlistment bonuses. Each service determines and publishes its own guidance on continuation pay.

Army active component (including Active Guard Reserve (AGR)/Full Time Support (FTS)) service members are eligible for a continuation pay multiplier of 2.5 times your monthly basic pay.

2024 Continuation Pay Rates


Continuation pay, along with other specialty pays, bonuses and incentives, can be invested into your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) account, up to the annual maximum allowed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Note that if you hit the maximum too quickly, you could lose out on government automatic and matching contributions. There are no matching contributions on Continuation Pay invested into TSP.

Additional Information
Document Review Date: 10 June 2024