Benefit Fact Sheet
The Mission of Army Community Service (ACS) is to:
Facilitate commander's ability to provide comprehensive, standardized, coordinated, and responsive services that support Soldiers, Department of the Army (DA) Civilians, and Families regardless of geographical location.
Maximize technology and resources, eliminate duplication in service delivery, and measure service effectiveness.
Army Reserve Soldiers on drill status and their Families are eligible for Army Community Service (ACS).
In the United States, the following personnel are eligible for ACS services provided they meet the criteria for the service requested:
All active duty and retired military personnel and their Family members
Members of the ARNG and USAR and their identification (ID) card eligible Family members are eligible for full access to installation ACS service while on an active duty and during the first year post mobilization, after which time, and for so long as the Soldier remains a member of the ARNG or USAR, eligibility is retained on a space available basis
Army appropriated fund (APF) and non-appropriated fund (NAF) civilian employees, and their Family members
Family members of prisoners of war or personnel missing in action
Surviving Family members of military personnel who died while on active duty
In overseas commands, the commander will determine eligibility according to international treaties and agreements
Army Community Service (ACS) Centers are operated at Army installations where 500 or more military members are assigned. Core services available from ACS Centers include:
Deployment or Mobilization and Stability and Support Operations Readiness
Preplanning for Family assistance to include:
Soldier and Family Readiness Groups (FRGs)
Rear Detachments
Family Readiness Support Assistants
Pre-deployment planning
Mobilization/deployment support and information
Post-deployment/mobilization support
Operation Ready (Resources for Educating About Deployment and You)
Support to unaccompanied Family members evacuated/returned from an overseas area (repatriation assistance)
Soldier and Family Readiness:
Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
Victim Advocacy Program
Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention Program (SHARP)
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program (SAPR)
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
Transitional Compensation Program (TC)
New Parent Support Program
Relocation Readiness:
Relocation counseling
Pre-arrival information
Post-move newcomer orientation
Overseas orientation
Reentry workshops
Lending Closet
Services to multicultural Families
Liaison for United Citizen Immigration Services (USCIS)
Hearts Apart support to Waiting Families (Outreach services include identification, counseling and advocacy)
Sponsorship: Sponsor training of unit sponsorship trainers and/or reactionary sponsors and youth sponsorship.
Citizen Immigration Services Liaison
Employment Readiness:
Up-to-date resource information on available local, national and international employment opportunities, job market trends, and education and volunteer resources.
Classes and seminars on self-assessment and career exploration, resume writing, interviewing techniques, dressing for success, networking, and entrepreneurship.
Resume critiques
Career counseling and individual career assessments.
Job fairs and other hiring events.
Teen/youth employment Information
Computers with internet access, resume writing software, and typing tutorials
Financial Readiness:
Financial readiness education and training
Financial counseling services
Prescreening and counseling for the Family Subsistence Supplemental Assistance (FSSA) Program
Debt liquidation assistance
Consumer advocacy service
Consumer complaint resolution assistance
Emergency assistance
Army Emergency Relief Agency (AER)
Volunteer Programs
Army Family Team Building Program
Army Family Action Plan Program
Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator
Soldier and Family Assistance Centers/Survivor Outreach Services (SOS)
Support for Survivors
Support for Wounded and Fallen
For more information, please visit the official website maintained by the U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM G-9 Family and MWR):
Army Regulation 608-1, Army Community Service:
For the location of the Army Community Service office on local Army Installations, check the Resource Locator library on MyArmyBenefits: