Initial Online Survivor Benefits Reports (OSBR)

When a Service member in active status dies, the Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO) provides an initial OSBR to eligible surviving spouses and guardians of eligible family members. The initial OSBR summarizes current financial benefits and projects future benefits from all federal sources, including the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Interactive Online Survivor Benefits Reports ***TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE***

***THE INTERACTIVE OSBR IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE. Please reach out to the Family Assistance Support Team (FAST) for your updated OSBR at (877) 827-2471, Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time (ET), or by email at***

The interactive OSBR is a financial planning tool, available to surviving spouses and dependent children of Service members who died while on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. The interactive OSBR projects anticipated “milestone” events, like children turning 18 and aging out of dependency. In addition, the interactive OSBR includes updated benefit amounts such as annual cost-of-living-increases, other legislative changes and provides benefit amount information projections under "What If" scenarios, (i.e. what is the effect of remarriage, what is the effect on my Social Security Benefits if I start or stop working). The interactive OSBR provides survivors current and projected income streams from federal source and uses real time data. A DS Logon premium account is required.

Online Survivor Benefits Reports (OSBR) Questions Help

The MyMarineBenefits Survivor section provides both general and individualized benefits information to the survivors of a deceased Marine.

If you are a surviving spouse or child (or child's guardian), individualized benefits information may be available to you.

  • Online Survivor Benefits Report (OSBR), both initial and annual, are available to surviving spouses and dependent children of military members who died while on active duty on or after September 11, 2001.
  • Initial OSBR is available to Casualty Assistance Officers (CAOs) and survivors by linking a personal email address to the OSBR. Individuals will then receive an email with a one time use link to view their OSBR(s).
  • Interactive Reports are normally available anytime after the surviving spouse and children have received their finalized Initial Report.

Should you need assistance in understanding the OSBR, you can contact the OSBR Family Assistance Support Team (FAST) at (877) 827-2471 or email the FAST at:

ADVISORY: OSBRs provided on this website are interim estimates based upon available information and military/personal data. The Reports are not official nor final determinations. The applicable government agencies (Department of Defense Finance & Accounting Service, Department of Veteran Affairs, and Social Security Administration) will adjudicate the survivor benefits application and determine actual benefit amounts. The official entitlements may vary from the estimates provided in these Online Survivor Benefits Reports.

I have read the above Advisory and understand that the OSBRs are estimates of my benefits.

Initial OSBR

Casualty Assistance Officer’s should contact the Family Assistance Support Team (FAST) to link your government email address to OSBR(s) that you manage.

Surviving Spouses or child(ren) (or child’s guardian) should coordinate with your CAO to ensure they have an accurate email address on file for you to assist with obtaining access to your initial OSBR(s), which contain your personalized survivor benefits calculations.


Interactive OSBRs

The HQMC Casualty Section implements, executes and manages the Casualty Assistance Program. Our main goal is to provide immediate casualty assistance to Marine Corps families with compassion, dignity and honor. For immediate Casualty Assistance please call 1-800-847-1597, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.